We tested our mode on 134 images collected using our 3- d scanner setup, and also on 588 images downloaded from internet. The image on the internet were collected by issuing keywords on Google image search.
To collect data and to perform the evaluation of the algorithms in a completely unbiased manner, a person not associated with the project was asked to collect images of environments (greater than 800x600 size). The person chose the following keywords to collect the images: campus, garden, park, house, building, college, university, church, castle, court, square, lake, temple, scene.
ResultsThe following links are the results of our algorithm and HEH's in vrml format, categorize by keywords issed in google image search.
Our algorithm's result is given by Keyword_index.wrl and HEH photo Popup result will be index by Keyword_index_HEH.wrl for comparison. Note: These images were collected using Google images. If one of the images in the data belongs to you; then please email anonymous. Full documentation of the evaluation of the algorithms, is available in the
Excel files.
You will need a VRML viewer. We suggest
Cortona plugin for Internet explorer in Windows. Browser plugin takes less than a minute to install.
For Linux, you can try this.