trivago-clicks dataset
This is a hypergraph, where nodes are accomodations (mostly hotels),
and hyperedges are sets of accommodations for which a user performed
the "click-out" action during the same browsing session, which means
the user was forwarded to a partner site. A few hyperedges are
repeated. The dataset was derived from
the ACM RecSys
Challenge 2019. Each node is labeled with the country where the
accomodation is located. Some summary statistics of the dataset are:
- number of nodes: 172,738
- number of hyperedges: 233,202
- mean / median hyperedge size: 4.1 / 3.0
- rank of hypergraph (maximum hyperedge size): 86
- number of node classes: 160
- Generative hypergraph clustering: from blockmodels to modularity.
Philip S. Chodrow, Nate Veldt, and Austin R. Benson.
Science Advances, 2021. [bibtex]