threads-math-sx dataset
This is a temporal higher-order network dataset, which here means a sequence of timestamped simplices where each simplex is a set of nodes. In this dataset, nodes are users on, and a simplex comes from users participating in a thread that lasts for at most 24 hours. The timestamps are the time of the post in millisecond but normalized so that the earliest post starts at 0. The projected graph is a weighted undirected graph representing how many times each pair of nodes co-appears in a simplex. Some basic statistics of this dataset are:
  • number of nodes: 176,445
  • number of timestamped simplices: 719,792
  • number of unique simplices: 595,778
  • number of edges in projected graph: 1,089,307
Data: Simplex labels correspond to question ID numbers. If you use this data, please cite the following paper:
  • Simplicial closure and higher-order link prediction.
    Austin R. Benson, Rediet Abebe, Michael T. Schaub, Ali Jadbabaie, and Jon Kleinberg.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2018. [bibtex]