temporal-bitcoin dataset
This is a network of bitcoin transactions, using all transactions up
to February 9, 2016. Addresses were partially aggregated by a
de-identification heuristic implemented by Kondor et al., who
collected the original dataset (reference below). Timestamps are the
creation time of the block on the blockchain containing the
- number of nodes: 4,8098,591
- number of timestamped edges: 113,100,979
- number of static edges: 86,798,226
- time span of dataset: 7.08 years
- Sampling Methods for Counting Temporal Motifs.
Paul Liu, Austin R. Benson, and Moses Charikar.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2019. [bibtex] - Inferring the interplay between network structure and market effects in Bitcoin.
Dániel Kondor, István Csabai, János Szüle, Márton Pósfai and Gábor Vattay.
New Journal of Physics, 2014. [bibtex]