house-bills dataset
This is a hypergraph, where nodes are US Congresspersons and
hyperedges are comprised of the sponsor and co-sponsors of bills put
forth in the House of Representatives. Some hyperedges are repeated.
The dataset was derived
from James
Fowler's data. Each node is labeled with political party
affiliation. Some summary statistics of the dataset are:
- number of nodes: 1,494
- number of hyperedges: 60,987
- mean / median hyperedge size: 20.5 / 9.0
- rank of hypergraph (maximum hyperedge size): 399
- number of node classes: 2
- Generative hypergraph clustering: from blockmodels to modularity.
Philip S. Chodrow, Nate Veldt, and Austin R. Benson.
Science Advances, 2021. [bibtex] -
Connecting the Congress: A Study of Cosponsorship Networks.
James H. Fowler.
Political Analysis, 2006. [bibtex] -
Legislative Cosponsorship Networks in the U.S. House and Senate.
James H. Fowler.
Social Networks, 2006. [bibtex]