Canvas3D has been designed to be portable over several different platforms. The current version of Canvas3D has the graphics engine layer implemented over Direct3D, one of the components of Microsoft's DirectX SDK. DirectX has been announced to have support for Windows95, Windows NT and Power Macintosh platforms. Canvas3D, as in December 1996, has been successfully implemented over Windows95. It is expected that no further changes in Canvas3D would be required for Windows NT and Power Macintosh platforms as far as the graphics engine is concerned.
The following steps would be required to get Canvas3D successfully running :
Make a directory Canvas3D\Direct3D. Direct3D must be installed such that you have two sub-directories Canvas3D\Direct3D\inc and Canvas3D\Direct3D\lib holding its header files and libraries respectively.
[ P.S. Please make the following changes in the canvas3d.mak file : Change the absolute paths \apatel\src\canvas3d\Direct3d\geMemBitmap.c and \apatel\src\canvas3d\Direct3d\d3derror.c to the relative pathnames ..\direct3d\geMemBitmap.c and ..\direct3d\d3derror.c respectively. I will make the changes in the downloadable zipped code as soon as possible... - Ankit ]
Ankit Patel (