My research interests include the theory of programming languages and language-based
security. My advisor is Andrew Myers
and I have also worked with Greg
Morrisett. The other members of my thesis committee are Fred Schneider and
Karen Vogtmann.
Refereed Publications
Untrusted Hosts and Confidentiality: Secure Program
Steve Zdancewic, Lantian Zheng, Nathaniel Nystrom, and Andrew C. Myers
Operating Systems Review, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
volume 35(5). pages 1-14. Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Canada. October 2001
of a Best Paper Award.
(abstract, dvi,
pdf, ps)
Robust Declassification
Steve Zdancewic and Andrew C. Myers
Computer Security Foundations Workshop 14
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2001
This version fixes a bug that appears in the proceedings.
dvi, pdf, ps)
Information Flow via Linear Continuations
Steve Zdancewic and Andrew C. Myers
To Appear: Higher Order and Symbolic Computation,2001
This is an extended version of the conference paper below.
Secure Information Flow and CPS
Steve Zdancewic and Andrew C. Myers
Proceedings of the 10th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'01),
volume 2028 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 46-61. Springer-Verlag,
April 2001.
(abstract, dvi, pdf, ps)
Syntactic Type Abstraction
Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Steve Zdancewic
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 22(6),
pages 1037-1080, November 2000
This is an extended version of the conference paper below.
dvi, pdf, ps)
Principals in Programming
Languages: A Syntactic Proof Technique
Steve Zdancewic, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett
In Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGPLAN
International Conference on Functional Programming
Paris, France, September 1999.
of EAPLS Best Paper Award
at PLI '99
dvi, pdf, ps)
TALx86: A Realistic Typed Assembly
Greg Morrisett, Karl Crary, Neal Glew, Dan Grossman, Richard Samuels, Frederick Smith,
Dave Walker, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic
In 1999 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software
Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1999.
(abstract, dvi, pdf,
Technical Reports
Program Partitioning
Steve Zdancewic, Lantian Zheng, Nathaniel Nystrom, and Andrew C. Myers
Technical Report TR2001-1846, Cornell University Computer Science, October
(abstract, dvi,
Confidentiality and Integrity with
Untrusted Hosts: Technical Report
Steve Zdancewic and Andrew C. Myers
Technical Report TR2000-1810, Cornell University Computer Science, August 2000
(dvi, pdf, ps)
Syntax and Semantics for Multiple Agents and
Abstract Types
Steve Zdancewic, Dan Grossman
Technical Report TR99-1752, Cornell University Computer Science, May 1999
(abstract, dvi, pdf, ps)
A Syntactic Account of Type Abstraction, 6 Nov. 1998. CMU's POP seminar.
The slides are available in Postscript form:
Principals in Programming: A Syntactic Proof Technique, 28 Sept. 1999.
Slides available in PowerPoint format: icfp99.ppt
Information Flow, Security and Programming Languages, 5 Nov. 1999. Cornell
University PL Seminar.
Slides available in PowerPoint format: security.ppt
Secure Information Flow and CPS, 4 April 2001. ESOP.
Slides available in PowerPoint format: esop01.ppt
Robust Declassification, 11 June 2001. CSFW.
Slides available in PowerPoint format: csfw01.ppt
Untrusted Hosts and Confidentiality: Secure Program Partitioning,
22 October 2001. SOSP.
Slides available in PowerPoint format: sosp01.ppt