Jigsaw/SLK Internal Release

Jigsaw is a Java-based Web server released by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Jigsaw/SLK is an extension of Jigsaw with SLK technology that permits servlets to be uploaded and executed safely in the server. These servlets can insert new resources and filters into the URL namespace. Jigsaw/SLK is based on Jigsaw 1.0 alpha3 although W3C is already releasing Jigsaw under version 1.0 alpha5. Jigsaw/SLK's current development platform is Symantec Cafe 1.5.

Getting the Source Code

The source code has been checked into Visual Source Safe (VSS) under the project $/Java/Jigsaw/w3c which is the root of the source tree. The SLK package is located in w3c/jigsaw/slk. The servlet extensions are in w3c/jigsaw/slklet. As of now, only the basic servlet functionality (based on Jeeves 2.0 API) has been checked in. The code that interfaces servlets with Jigsaw's URL tree will be released shortly. When getting or checking out the code, set your working directory and check the Recursive and Make Writable boxes.

Building Jigsaw/SLK

Launch Symantec Cafe 1.5. and open the w3c project you've just checked out. Unfortunately, Cafe doesn't allow the entire project to be built simply by doing a Build on w3c. Instead, you need to explicitly build all the subprojects. Before you do so, for each project file you need set your own source search path (replace s:\chichao\jigsaw\src\classes with your VSS working directory) and your compiler output directory (replace s:\chichao\jigsaw\debug with an output directory of your choice -- this is where the class files go).

The building process is rather lengthy and tedious. If you don't plan to do any source code hacking, and would like to write some servlets, you might want to get an object/class file release (see Getting the Object Release).

Running and Debugging Jigsaw/SLK

Get the project $/Java/Jigsaw/Jigsaw from VSS. This directory is the Jigsaw root directory and contains all the stuff Jigsaw needs at runtime (configuration files, stable storage for resources, documentation, etc). To run Jigsaw/SLK from Cafe, select the project w3c (the source code root project), pull down the Project menu, set the Arguments to:

-root <Jigsaw root directory> -port <port number>,

and select Execute Program under the Project menu. You can also run it using Cafe's debugger (use the Debug menu). Make sure the source search path of the subproject being debugged is set correctly.

If you wish to run Jigsaw from the command prompt, make sure you set the classpath to Jigsaw/SLK's compiler output directory and enter:

java w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd -root <Jigsaw root directory> -port <port number>

Getting the Object Release

The object release of Jigsaw/SLK consists of SLK.zip and jigsaw.zip, which contain all the SLK and Jigsaw class files respectively. These files can be found in the $/Java/Jigsaw/classes project checked into VSS. Simply get them from VSS and include them in your classpath. You should be able to run Jigsaw/SLK as described above.

To-Do List:

  1. Port Jigsaw/SLK to version 1.0 alpha5.
  2. Construct a build/debug environment in VJ++.
  3. ...
Chi-Chao Chang


Last updated 16/06/98