A system for exploring structure in social networks. The current demo shows
a version of the social network of computer scientists linked together via
co-author ship. Example query: Select "Anchor", enter
"Karp". See here
for more details. Joint work with Henry
Illustrating search techniques and randomization using an old AI
constraint/search favorite, the N-queens problem. You can rescale the board,
adjust the display speed, pre-place queens. Start with N = 8 and pure
backtrack search. The scale up to e.g. 20x20 and compare the solution speed to
some of the randomized methods. Applet written by Matt Taylor]. (CS43 project.)
Readme file.
A genetic algorithm approach to "learning to walk". Applet written
by Matt Harren and Allen Wang (CS672 project). Readme
file.Further documentation. (doc)