Linda Shih-Chien Lee 
Current Address: 
136 College Ave. B 
Ithaca, NY 14850 
(607) 256-8890 
  Permanent Address: 
13020 Sundance Ave. 
San Diego, CA 92129 
(619) 484-4680
EDUCATION Cornell University, College of Engineering, Ithaca, New York 
Master of Engineering Degree in Computer Science expected in May 1998 
Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, May 1997 GPA: 3.96/4.0 


COURSEWORK •Computer Networks •3D Computer Graphics •Information Systems •Optimization •Operating System •Software Engineering •Theory of Computing •Algorithmic Analysis •Database Systems •Scientific Computation •Digital Computer Architecture •Game Theory 
WORK EXPERIENCE Predator Project, Cornell Comp.Sci. Department, Ithaca, NY    Sep. 1997-Present
Research Assistant of Prof. Praveen Seshadri 
•Building MIME types to extend Predator, a client-server object-relational DBMS that efficiently supports complex data types; goal is to let Predator be able to store, access and process internet data (HTML files, image, audio, video…) 

Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA Jun.    1997-Sep. 1997 
Software Engineer  
•Devised a framework for an X Windows interface to monitor the message flow of a tracking system network. 
•Created an interactive US map that retrieves and displays information on the location selected. 

Goldman Sachs & Co., New York, NY    Sept. 1996-Jan. 1997 
Programmer Analyst 
•Designed, implemented and installed an X Windows GUI client-server application that dynamically manages the NASDAQ Backup database, and automatically updates client sites in real time. 
•Wrote Perl, CGI and shell scripts, SQL queries and Excel Macros to create several intranet reports that delivered up-to-date financial information, downloadable into Excel Format. 

Cornell Computer Science Department, Ithaca, NY    Jan. 1997-Present 
Graduate Teaching Assistant in ‘Introduction to Computer Programming’  
•Assisted 200+ students with programming assignments and projects in JAVA (Fall 1997), C/C++ (Spring 1997) and Matlab; conducted tutoring recitations and supervised grading sessions. 

Cornell Information Technologies, Ithaca, NY    Aug. 1995-Aug. 1996 
Computer Lab Operator and Consultant  
•Administered and guided the usage of a public computer facility with 25-30 users. 

La Casa de Motor y Repuestos, San José, Costa Rica    Jan. 1991-Jul. 1994  
Managerial Assistant  
•Assisted managers with sales and marketing of auto parts, and coordinated a team of 5 mechanics. 
•Acquired good client relations by serving customers through personal and phone interaction. 


HONORS •Dean’s List (all semesters) •Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society •Golden Key National Honor Society •Methodist High School’s Valedictorian •National Science Fair Silver Award, Costa Rica 


SKILLS •C, C++, Java, Perl, SQL, Motif, Lisp, Pascal, BASIC, Assembly, HTML, Unix, X Windows, DOS, VMS, MS Windows, Mac OS, SYBASE, Matlab, Emacs, Access, Data Explorer, Photoshop.  
•Fluency in English, Spanish, Mandarin and Taiwanese.  Familiar with French.
•Com. Sci. Association, Executive Board •International Living Center Council •SWE •Engineering Peer Advisor •Art/Graphics/Animation •Chinese Chess •Choir •Origami •Table Tennis •Billiards •Rock Climbing