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Analysis of the Design and Architecture
of the Micosoft Cluster Service

Werner Vogels, Dan Dumitriu, Ken Birman, Rod Gamache,
Rob Short, John Vert, Mike Massa, Joe Barrera, Jim Gray

December 1997

This report is expected to be completed by the end of April 1998. After its contents is cleared by the academic and corporate contributers it will be posted at this location.

A short version of this document has been
submitted to FTCS-28.

table of contents

- Introduction
- Cluster design goals
- Cluster Abstractions
- Cluster Operation
- Cluster Achitecture
- Cluster Service Core Components
- Support Components
- Development Support
- Usage Patterns for Load Balancing
- Virtual Servers
- Experiences
- References


For questions or comments send mail to Werner Vogels