Yi-Cheng Huang








Research Interests

l           Machine learning

l           Planning, constraint-satisfaction problem.

l           Data mining

l           Software agents




Dec 2002


Cornell University ¡V Computer Science

Ithaca, NY



Thesis: Learning Control Knowledge for Planning

Advisor: Prof. Bart Selman






Oct 2000


Cornell University ¡V Computer Science

Ithaca, NY





May 1992


National Taiwan University ¡V Computer Science & Information Engineering

Taipei, Taiwan






Research and Technical Experience

1999 ¡V 2002

Cornell University

Graduate Research Assistant


Advisor: Prof. Bart Selman

For my thesis research, I worked on automatically acquiring domain-dependent control knowledge for planning by machine learning techniques. I first introduced a new heuristic method for generating training examples that together with a rule induction algorithm can learn useful control rules in a variety of domains. The system reports the first positive results on learning for practical planning. Solution times can be reduced by two orders of magnitude or more on large problems, training time are short, and the learned control rules can be exported to other planning systems.




May 1999 ¡V Aug 1999

AT&T, Shannon Laboratory

Research Intern

Florham Park, NJ


Mentor: Prof. Henry Kautz

As a summer intern at AT&T Lab, I implemented the PDDL parser for the Blackbox planner, integrated real-sat, satz, and chaff SAT solvers into the Blackbox, and maintain the sources to the present.




1998 ¡V 1999

Cornell University

Graduate Research Assistant


Advisor: Prof. Bart Selman

Extended the PDDL planning language to incorporate declarative control knowledge into Blackbox planner.



1992 ¡V 1994

Radio Communication Research Office

Software Engineer

Kaoshiung, Taiwan


Designed and implemented Navy navigation charting software and logistics database management system.


Teaching Experience

Spring 2002

Session Instructor, Cornell University


Course: Introduction to Computer Programming

I taught Java and Matlab in the course sessions.



1996 - 1997

Teaching Assistant, Cornell University


Courses: Data Structures, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence.




Yi-Cheng Huang, Bart Selman, Henry Kautz, Learning Declarative Control Rules for Constraint-Based Planning. In Proceedings of Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2000). Stanford, CA, 2000.




Yi-Cheng Huang, Bart Selman, Henry Kautz, Control Knowledge in Planning: Benefits and Tradeoffs. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99). Orlando, FL, 1999.







Prof. Bart Selman

Department of Computer Science

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14850



Prof. Henry Kautz

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195

