CS 513 - System Security
Lecture 2

Lecturer: Professor Fred B. Schneider
Notes by: Vicky Weissman
Lecture Date: 2/1/00

Today's Topics

Real World Security

Real world security is defined by 3 components:
  1. valuables - the things that we want to protect, but are willing to lose
  2. locks - mechanisms that we are willing to invest in to deter theft
    • locks differ in scale based on what they are designed to protect (my car vs. a priceless painting), what the environment is (NYC vs. Ithaca), and people's perception of what is needed
    • locks save money, because they lower insurance rates and reduce the police force
    • locks that interfere excessively with daily life will not be used
  3. police/courts - agencies in charge of addressing/dealing with violations
    • examples: sysAdmin, Cornell's JA, U.S. Court System, National Security Agency
    • vital to security, because they keep people from trying to steal
    • we need mechanisms to support police/courts


Valuables, locks, and police/courts are part of a risk management system in which you have a valuable, you protect it with a suitably scaled lock, and you rely on police/courts to enforce your ownership rights. This system fails under externality. Externality occurs when the owners do not have the incentive to invest in proper locks. Examples include the tragedy of the commons (everyone owns a resource, so no one takes responsibility for it), pollution-emitting factories, and power companies (they have some insurance, but not enough to cover the loss of life and income that users suffer due to an outage). The problem of externality is solved by society passing and enforcing liability laws.

Computer Security

Like security in the real world, computer security is defined by valuables, locks (and keys), and police/courts. In this context, however,
Authorization, Authentication, and Auditing are known as the Gold Standard of security.

In both the real and the electronic world, security is holistic. In other words, a system is as secure as its weakest link.


An important property of security mechanisms is assurance. To provide assurance, you must prove that a system does no more and no less than is given in its specification. An increase in functionality requires an increase in assurance to maintain the original level of trust. People trust mathematical proofs and tests that they can run themselves. People do not trust 3rd party promises. (If the NSA says something is good for encryption, then they probably know how to crack it.)

Strategies to Increase Assurance:

Basic Definitions and Common Security Properties

Vocabulary: All systems have vulnerabilities, but an attack that can exploit them may not exist. If attacks do exist, then the threats may not. So, the first step to building a secure system is to determine what the threats are.

Some Common Security Properties: