Alexei Pavlovixh Kopylov
Type Theoretical Foundations for Data Structures, Classes, and Objects.
PhD Thesis, Cornell University, 2004.
I would like to thank here my teachers I had in my life. First of all, I am thankful to my parents Pavel Kopylov and Ekaterina
Gamazova. They inculcated in me a taste for mathematics in my early ages. For example, when I was a little
boy, my father brought me a pair of sand-glasses. I played with them and came up with different puzzles, like
how to measure eleven minutes using sand-glasses for three and ten minutes?
My father also taught me programming in Pascal when we did not have a computer.
I am also thankful to Raymond Smullyan, although I never met him in person. My early interest in mathematics is partially due to his great book ---
What Is the Name of This Book? --- with logical puzzles about knights and knaves. My father read me the problems from this book (I could hardly read
at that time) and I competed with my mother trying to solve the problems first.
My special thanks are due to my school math teacher Alexandr Nikolaevich
Zemlyakov ``Zemmm''. I admire his mathematical taste and his teaching style.
Unfortunately some people who had great influence on me are already passed away.
I am very grateful to my grandfather Andrei Konstantinovich Gamazov, who was a great teacher, I am very proud of him. I am also very grateful
to my other grandfather Nikolai Georgievivh Kopylov, who taught me chess. My schoolfriend Ivan Soloviev had a big influence on me. He was one year
older than me and was always a step ahead of me in mathematical Olympics.
I am thankful to my Moscow adviser Sergei Artemov. He helped me a lot both in
Moscow and at Cornell. Thanks to him I am here. I owe many thanks to my Cornell adviser Robert Constable for his guidance and many useful discussions.
I was very pleased to work with my colleague and namesake (although he spells his name differently) Aleksey Nogin. Part of the thesis is a joint
work with Aleksey. Many thanks are due to my other colleague Jason Hickey for his discussions and early appreciation of my work.
I am also thankful to Christoph Kreitz and Stuart Allen for reading and reviewing my work.
I want to thank many other Cornellians included: Anil Nerode and Jon Kleinberg for serving on my committee,
Dexter Kozen who said that ``a computer scientist is a mathematician with a job'',
Evan Moran for his comments on my work during PRL seminars, Mark Bickford, working with him was a pleasure,
Pavel Naumov and Lena Safirova for their help during my first year at Cornell, Alexandre Evfimievski for his sharp criticism, and many others.
I also want to thank the PRL seminar for giving me a forum for presenting my ideas and helping me refine them --- especially the long series on objects.
I acknowledge support from the DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) program administered by the Office of Naval
Research (ONR) under Grant N00014-01-1-0765, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Grant F30602-98-2-0198,
and by NSF Grant CCR 0204193.