Old Contact Information
- 427 Rhodes, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
- phone: 1-(607)-255-3864
- fax: 1-(607)-255-4428 (Do not forget to put my name on the front page)
- 940 Cayuga Heights Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850-1020, USA
- phone: 1-(607)-269-0171
You can also reach me
- by e-mail: kopylov@cs.cornell.edu
or you can talk with me
- using AOL Instant Messenger: Lesic
- using Firetalk: APK6 (805406)
New Contact Information
Office adress: Alexei Kopylov, Caltech, M/C 256-80, Pasadena, CA 91125
Cell Ph.: 1-(31O)-4 2 9-2 9 3 9
e-mail: same as before, but put "caltech" instead of "cornell"