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Christian Wisdom[ Organizations | Monasticism | Saints | Antiwar Literature ] "The attraction that we experience in the Eastern spiritual traditions today is the magnetism of wisdom: a knowing which is life, inner experience and union.
...This spiritual wisdom is not foreign to Christianity, though it has long been unfamiliar in the western world. Within the New Testament there is a depth and fullness which has largely disappeared in the many succeeding centuries, but which is always there to be rediscovered." Frontline's From Jesus to Christ Father Lawrence Freeman, OSB, interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Bede Griffiths - Bede Griffiths was a Benedictine monk who started an Ashram in India. Monastic Interreligious Dialogue - Outgrowth of the Gethsemani Encounter and the Pope's wish to encourage dialog between east and west. Bible Gateway - Look up Bible passages. The Gospel of Thomas - Site dedicated to the apocryphal Gospel of Saint Thomas. Thomistic Philosophy - Site dedicated to the philosophical writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Stories from the Desert Fathers - A few stories from the tradition of the desert fathers, the precursors to organized christian monasticism.
The Abbey of Gethsemani - Trappist Monastery in Kentucky where Thomas Merton lived, site of the first Buddhist/Christian ecumenical conference. The Monastery of Christ in the Desert - Benedictine monastery in New Mexico. There was a recent article in Mandala magazine describing an interfaith meeting between a father from this monastery and a Tibetan Bonpo. Mepkin Abbey - Another Trappist monastery; this time in South Carolina. Life of the Orthodox Church - Information on Greek Orthodox monasticism. www.chartreux.org - Home page of the Carthusian order of monks and nuns. www.osb.org - Home page of the Order of Saint Benedict. New Camaldoli Hermitage - Camaldolese monastery in Big Sur, California.
Lives of the Saints New Advent: Catholic encyclopedia - Alphabetically-linked entries, included the lives of all of the Catholic Saints. Internet Medieval Sourcebook: Saints Lives - Hagiographies of medieval saints. Saints O' the Day - A biography of Saint Francis of Assisi. Mother Teresa - Although not an official Saint yet, Mother Teresa is universally recognized as one and will official as soon as the paperwork is signed. :-) Desmond Tutu - ...and I offer up Desmond Tutu as a living example of what can result from a pure practice of the Christian faith. ... and not for the faint of heart, my "heretical" Jesus Research Page. :-)
Antiwar Literature Having grown up Catholic, and never heard of any of this, I was surprised to find a vibrant and exciting anti-war culture does exist with the Christian faith. For those interested, I include a sampling of it here: Life of Resistance - interview (.pdf) with anti-nuke demonstrator (and ex-Catholic priest) Philip Berrigan, father of the Swords to Plowshares movement.
What would you do if...? - John Howard Yoder's reply to the age-old anti-pacifist question: what would you do if your mother/sister/wife were about to be murdered/raped/brutalized? Other John Howard Yoder sites: John Howard Yoder was a Mennonite (Anabaptist) Christian Scholar who wrote and taught at Notre Dame. A card-carrying pacifist, he wrote many books and articles about the duty of a Christian to be nonviolent. Jesus Radicals - "Karl Barth and the Problem of War" and the above mentioned "What Would You Do?" John Yoder's Home Page - at the University of Notre Dame. Just War Tradition: Is it Credible? - from www.religion-online.org. The Politics of Jesus - a teaching from St. Albans Presbyterian church on Luke 6:27-36; stating that Jesus' radical real life response to violence was "We are to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us or oppose our views, and speak well of and pray for those who abuse us." [ Buddhism | Activism | Spirituality | About Us | Links ] |