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Course Description

Course Objectives

As outlined in the College of Engineering's legislation, the objectives for ENGRG 150 are:

  1. To have engineering freshmen meet with their faculty advisors on a regular basis in a friendly atmosphere during the beginning weeks of their academic careers in order to facilitate the development of a supportive relationship and the understanding necessary for effective communication between the two.
  2. To provide freshmen with an introduction and orientation to engineering activities and the College of Engineering during the fall semester.
  3. To help students improve study, examination, and survival skills useful in the College of Engineering.

Most of the activities in an ENGRG 150 section will focus on objective (ii), learning about engineering at Cornell, and about engineering more broadly as a profession. Through these activities, often carried out in small groups, ENGRG 150 students and instructors have an opportunity to interact and develop a mentoring relationshop with their advisees.


This link provides more info on the course staff and how they can be contacted.


This link provides more info on what we will be doing.


You should attend and participate in the sessions. The more engagement everyone has, the better the experience and growth for all. So, to pass the course, you need to attend and participate in the sessions. You may have one unexcused absence. Generally, an excused absence involves sickness and other serious conflicts.

Academic Integrity

You will likely discover Cornell's full set of rules in other courses.