Compiling Parallel Code for Sparse Matrix
Applications. In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE SC '97 Conference,
San Jose, CA, November 1997. (with Keshav Pingali and Paul Stodghill)
A Relational Approach to Sparse Matrix Compilation
. In Proceedings of EuroPar '97 Conference, Passau, Germany,
August 1997. (with Keshav Pingali and Paul Stodghill). A technical report
version of the paper is available.
Sparse Code Generation for Imperfectly
Nested Loops with Dependencies. In Proceedings of the ACM
International Conference on Supercomputing, Vienna, Austria, July 1997.
(with Keshav Pingali)
framework for sparse and dense SPMD code generation (preliminary report).
Cornell Computer Science Department Technical Report (with Keshav Pingali
and Paul Stodghill)
Compiling Parallel Sparse Code for User-Defined
Data Structures In Proceedings of Eights SIAM Conference on Parallel
Processing for Scientific Computing, Minneapolis, MN, March 1997. (with
Keshav Pingali and Paul Stodghill)
Automatic Parallelization of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm. In
Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel
Computing . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. (with
Keshav Pingali and Paul Stodghill)
Solving alignment using elementary
linear Algebra. In Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Languages
and Compilers for Parallel Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
892, pp 46-60. Springer-Verlag 1995. (with David Bau, InduKodukula, Keshav
Pingali and Paul Stodghill) An extended version of this paper will appear
in Languages, Compilation Techniques and Run-Time Systems for Scalable
Parallel Systems, Santosh Pande and Dharma P. Agrawal eds, Springer-Verlag.