C O U R S E S I teach graduate courses related to
high-performance computer systems, from processor architecture
to parallel computing, and undergraduate courses on computer architecture.
- CS717: TBD
Advanced topics related to the SLK project (slk web pages available
only locally at Cornell).
- CS314:
Intro to Digital Systems and Computer Organization
Topics include: representation of information; PowerPC machine-assembly
languages; processor organization; interrupts and
I/O; memory hierarchies; combinatorial and
sequential circuits; data path and control unit design.
The second half of the semester includes a major
design project consisting of a simple pieplined
RISC processor implemented at the gate level.
- CS516:
High-Performance Computer Systems
This course discusses the design of
high-performance computer systems. This includes processor design techniques
such as RISC, superscalar, superpipeled, 64-bit instruction
set extensions, cache coherency, and co-processors, as well
as high-speed networks and bus-based cache
coherent multiprocessors.
- CS314:
Intro to Digital Systems and Computer Organization
Topics covered in the course include:
representation of information; machine/assembly languages,
in particular PowerPC; processor organization;
interrupts and I/O; memory hierarchies; combinatorial
and sequential circuits; data path and control
unit design; RTL; and microprogramming.
- CS516:
High-Performance Computer Architecture
This course discusses the design of
high-performance processors, including techniques
such as superscalar, superpipeled, RISC processors,
64-bit instruction set extensions, cache
coherency, co-processors, and more
- CS617:
Frontiers of Parallel Systems
WParallel algorithms, languages and
architectures have matured considerably over the
last few years, but the system support on parallel
machines is still rudimentary and idiosyncratic.
This course will focus on the architecture,
compiler and operating system aspects required to
support features taken for granted in sequential
computing such as portable parallel programs, powerful debuggers,
multi-user machine access, virtual memory, and
fast I/O.
- CS516: High-Performance Computer
- CS617: Frontiers of Parallel