Brigitte Pientka

Date of Birth: 03.03.71,
Place of Birth: Coburg, Germany

Dept Computer Sci, Cornell Univ
4132 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853-7501
office ++1 (607) 255 1179; home ++1 (607) 272 4276

Objective Pursuing Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, automated theorem proving, logic, semantics of functional programming languages
Current Position
Sep 97-present
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Visiting Research Scholar, Investigating research questions in the area of automating induvtive proofs and the use of automatic reasoning techinques in teaching
Apr 97
Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Diplom in Computer Science with minor in pedagogics; avarage grade: 1.042 (highest grade available: 1.0); Courses
Aug 96- Feb 87 Final Thesis:
Structured Incremental Proof Planning with Meta-Rule Sets(Grade: 1.0) supervised by Christoph Walther and Stefan Gerberding
Oct 95- Apr 96 Final Oral Examinations
in Theoretical, Practical, Applied and Technical Computer Science, and in Pedagogics detailed list of examinitions
Oct 93- Apr 94 University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Courses concentration in the semantics of programming languages, automated reasoning
Research Project: A Heuristic for Case Analysis supervised by Alan Bundy, Andrew Ireland and Helen Lowe
Oct 90 - Apr 93 Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Vordiplom in Computer Science (equivalent to bachelor in Computer Science); Courses
Sep 81 - Jul 90 Humanistisches Gymnasium Casimirianum, Coburg, Germany
Abitur, concentration in mathematics and physics, grade: 1.6
Work Experience
Apr 96 - Jul 96
Computer Study Workshops, Technical Universityt Darmstadt, Institute of Pedagogics, Prof. Sesink
Research Assistant
Developing the concept of a Computer Study Workshop for students of Arts and Humanities
Oct 95 - Mar 96 Science and Engineering - A school project, Technical University Darmstadt, Institute of Professional Pedagogics, Prof. Paul-Kohlhoff
Research Assistant
Developing concepts in order to motivate young girls to study science and engineering
Oct 95 - Mar 96 Copmuter Science III, Technical University Darmstadt, Dep. of Computer Science, Prof. A. Buchmann
Teaching Assistant
Oct 94 - Oct 95 Automating Termination Proofs , Technical Univerisity Darmstadt, Institute of Inference Systems, Prof. Walther
Research Assistant
developed and implemented heuristics for the synthesis of induction hypothesis;implemented heuristics for estimation and generalization of functions in order to prove termination
Jun 90 - Aug 90 Library of Computer Science , Technical University Darmstadt
assistant librarian
responsible for the book section in the library
Jun 90 - Aug 90 Brose GmbH , Coburg, Germany
practical training period, user support and programming
Academic Publications ``Structured incremental Proof Planning'' with Stefan Gerberding, Proceedings of the 21th German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1997
``How To prove it'' in Proceeding of the 6th IFIP-International Conference on Women, Work and Computerization, 1997
``A Heuristic for Case Analysis'', Departement of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, Technical Report No 37, 1995
Other Publications ``How masculine is Computer Science? - Experiences, impressions and claims'' in A. Paul-Kohlhoff, C. Walter (Ed): ``A woman who studies engineering is no martian ...''' Female students motivate young girls, Damrstaedter Beitraege zur Berufspaedagogik, Vol 17, 1996 (in German)
``Augusta Ada Byron - Countess of Lovelace - A computer Pioneer '' in Mathilde - Women's Magazine for Darmstadt and Region
Honors Fellow of the Daimler-Benz Foundation, Aug 97-present
Conference Scholarship by Intel Foundation, Sep 97
Aug 95-Mar96
Elected Student Equal Oppurtunity Officer,
Technical University Darmstadt
Mar 95 - Mar 96 Elected Member of the Student Parliament
Sep 91 - Apr 97 Participation in AStA(Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss, comitee of students representatives
organisation of seminars, publishing students newspaper, orientation week for incoming students, public relation work
Operating systems: Unix, MS-DOS
Programming languages: Common Lisp, ML, Scheme, Prolog, Pascal, Modula-2, Assembler
Theorem Provers: Nqthm, Oyster/Clam, Inka, Tiger, Nuprl

Résumé / Brigitte Pientka