A selection of my papers
- icse16-hci.ps
- "Prototyping a Visual Formalism for System Modelling", by Michael
W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt and Spiros Mancoridis, Proc. of
the ICSE-16 Workshop on Software Engineering and Human-Computer
Interaction , Sorrento, Italy, May 1994, published as Lecture
Notes in Computer Science vol. 896, Springer Verlag, February 1995.
- icse16-swEngEdu.ps
- "Tool Support for Software Engineering Education", by Spiros
Mancoridis, Richard C. Holt and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of
the ICSE-16 Workshop on Software Engineering Education,
Sorrento, Italy, published as Imperial College Dept. of Computing
Technical Report 94/6, June 1994.
- star.ps
- "A Program Understanding Environment Based on the Star
Approach to Tool Integration", by Spiros Mancoridis, Richard C.
Holt and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc. of CSC '94 --- 22nd Annual
ACM Computer Science Conference, Phoenix, USA, March 8--10,
- cas93.ps
- "Visual Formalisms for Configuration Management", by Michael W.
Godfrey, Proc. of CASCON '93, October 1993.
- mmp.ps
- "Formal Specification in Metamorphic Programming", by
David A. Penny, Richard C. Holt and Michael W. Godfrey, Proc.
of the 4th International Symposium of VDM Europe ,
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 551, October
- specturTR.ps
- "Spectur --- A Specification Language for the Programmer",
by Michael W. Godfrey and Richard C. Holt, Technical Report
CSRI-241, University of Toronto, June 1990.
Back to my home page.
Mike Godfrey --
Last modification: Tue Nov 11 10:24:27 EST 1997