Class Seven

Class Attributes

Extends Five
Visibility level: public

Static Variables

daysAWeek of type int
Visibility level: public

Static Methods

tomorrow has return type String
Visibility level: public
today of type String

pickADay has return type String
Visibility level: public
d of type int


Instance Variables

ofTheAncientWorld of type Wonders
Visibility level: public

ofTheModernWorld of type Wonders
Visibility level: public

a of type int
Visibility level: private

b of type int
Visibility level: private

c of type int
Visibility level: private

d of type int
Visibility level: private

e of type int
Visibility level: private

f of type int
Visibility level: private

g of type int
Visibility level: private

h of type int
Visibility level: private

i of type int
Visibility level: private

j of type int
Visibility level: private

k of type int
Visibility level: private

l of type int
Visibility level: private

m of type int
Visibility level: private

n of type int
Visibility level: private

o of type int
Visibility level: private

p of type int
Visibility level: private

q of type int
Visibility level: private

r of type int
Visibility level: private

s of type int
Visibility level: private

t of type int
Visibility level: private

Instance Methods

foo has return type void
Visibility level: public
Takes no arguments

bar has return type int
Visibility level: public
x of type int
y of type int
z of type int

bar has return type int
Visibility level: public
x of type int
y of type int

thHeaven has return type Seven
Visibility level: public
Takes no arguments

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© 1998 Paul Lahham - All Rights Reserved