Algorithms for Control Dependence Analysis
and Static Single Assignment Form Transformation
Zhou and Nikolay
Department of Computer Science,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
May 14, 1996
Source Code Pointers
Experimental Results
Control Dependence
Control dependence is a key concept in program optimization and
parallelization. Intuitively, a node n is control dependent on
a node c if c determines whether n is executed.
For example, in a conditional statement, statements on the true and false
sides of the conditional are control dependent on the predicate.
We can also say that a node is control dependent on an edge;
for example, we can say that statements on the true side of a conditional
statement are control dependent on the true edge from the predicate.
A control flow graph (CFG) G=(V,E) is a directed
graph in which nodes represent statements, and edges represent possible
flow of control. There are distinguished nodes START and END
the obvious meaning. It is a standard practice to assume that there is
an edge from START directly to END in the CFG.
A node w postdominates a node v if every path from
to END contains w. Postdominance is a transitive relation,
and its transitive reduction is a tree-structured relation called the postdominator
Intuitively, a node w is control dependent on edge u->v
if u is a `decision-point' that determines whether w
will be executed, if control flows from node u to node v
along edge u->v, it will eventually reach node w; however,
it is possible to reach END from u without passing through
The set of all pairs (e,w) such that node w is control
dependent on edge e is the control dependence relation
of the control flow graph.
See [2] for the precise definitions.
Control dependence is used in many phases of modern compilers, such
as dataflow analysis, loop transformations and code scheduling. The size
of the relation can grow quadratically with program size (e.g. for programs
consisting of n nested repeat-until loops). The standard representation
of the control dependence relation is the control dependence graph
(CDG), which is best viewed as a bipartite graph in which the two
sets of nodes in the bipartite graph are V and E, and
in which there is an undirected edge between node v and edge e
if v is control dependent on e. Since this is a straight-forward
representation of the full relation, the size of the CDG is Omega(|E||V|).
For practical applications, however, we do not need the full relation.
We must be able to answer the following queries:
the set of nodes that are control dependent on edge e;
the set of control dependences of node w;
the nodes that have the same control dependences as node w.
We have implemented the Augmented Postdominator Tree (APT)
data structure described in [2]. The APT is a minor augmentation of the
postdominator tree. There is information (routes) cached at some
nodes of the postdominator tree, this caching allows queries to be answered
optimally. The key idea is dividing the postdominator tree into zones of
limited size and storing information at the boundary nodes. The queries
have to search only within a single zone. The zones are determined from
the following inequalities: for all nodes q,
size(zone of q) <= Alpha * size(output) + 1.
This guarantees that for Alpha a constant, the query time will
be proportional to the size of the output. The storage required for caching
is proportional to the size of the program, as shown in [2].
Alpha is a design parameter which embodies a tradeoff between
query time (increasing with Alpha) and preprocessing time (decreasing
with Alpha). For Alpha < 1/size(output), we obtain
single-node zones (essentially the CDG, full caching), and for Alpha
> |V|, we obtain a single zone (no caching). Small constant values
such as Alpha = 1 yield a reasonable compromise.
Static Single Assignment Form
One application of the APT data structure is an optimal algorithm for finding
the dominance frontier of a node, which is the key step in conversion
to Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. In conversion to
SSA form, dummy assignments called Phi-functions are introduced
into the program in such a way that every use of a variable is reached
by at most one real or dummy assignment.
The APT data structure can be used to convert a program to SSA form
in O(|E|) time per variable. We have implemented the Phi-placement
algorithm described in [2].
Weak Control Dependence
Weak control dependence (or loop control dependence [3])
is useful for proving total correctness of programs.
Assume that END->END. A node w loop postdominates
a node v if every infinite path starting at v contains
If, in addition, w != v, then w is said to
loop postdominate v. In other words, if control reaches a
node v, and w loop postdominates v, then control
will reach w in a finite number of steps, whether or not the program
A node w is loop control dependent on edge (u->v)
w loop postdominates v, and
w does not strictly loop postdominate u.
Intuitively, this means that
if control reaches v, it must reach w in a finite number
of steps, and
from u, it is possible for control to reach a cycle of nodes (possibly,
the self loop at END) without encountering w.
See [3] for the precise definitions.
The APT data structure and the Phi-placement for SSA allow us to compute
the weak control dependence optimally. We have implemented the algorithm
described in [3].
The heart of the implementation is the realization of the APT data structure.
on this data structure, we implemented queries: cd,
and cdequiv. APT also serves as the basis for the further implementation
of Phi-placement in SSA and Weak Control Dependence.
We modified the Polaris compiler (from UIUC) in order to developed a
procedure that produces Control Flow Graph at basic block level. This procedure
was used to produce CFGs for the SPEC and Perfect benchmark suites for
the evaluation of the APT data structure. We also implemented a program
that generates not only CFGs but also lists of blocks for assignments.
This program was used to generate test files for SSA construction from
SPEC and Perfect benchmarks. Also for evaluation purpose, we have programs
that generate CFGs for repeat-until loops and stair-like structures.
APT Data Structure
Basically, APT data structure is just postdominant tree with some additional
information, the fields and explanations are as follows:
struct _APT_TYPE
int parent;
int child;
int sibling;
int backSibling;
int boundTag;
int level;
eq_Class *class;
Route_List *routes;
The parent of the node in the postdominant tree
The first child of the node in the postdominant tree
The next sibling of the node in the postdominant tree
The previous sibling of the node in the postdominant tree
Indicate whether a node is a boundary node or not
The level of the node in the postdominant tree
Pointer to the equivalent class. Each class is a list of nodes that has
the same cond() result.
If the node is an interior node (boundTag == FALSE), routes is
the list of all routes whose bottom node is v. If it is a boundary
node (boundTag == TRUE), it is the list of all routes containing
the node.
The first four fields define the postdominant tree structure: as we need
to traverse the tree in both top-down and bottom-up directions, we have
to keep both parent and child. To support the operation
of disconnecting a node from its parent in constant time (needed in Weak
Control Dependence Construction), we introduced backSibling to
form a doubly linked list.
Postdominant Tree Construction
Postdominant tree construction is based on the algorithm described in [1].
We modified the given program and integrated it into our package. In our
implementation, the procedure 'postdom' can return either postdominant
tree or dominant tree (postdominant tree of reversed CFG) according to
the given tag.
The interface is as follows:
void postdom(Cfg * cfg, APT_TYPE *apt_tree, int reverseTag)
CFG tree (cfg), allocated node array for the tree (apt_tree),
if we want postdominant tree or dominant tree.
parent, child, sibling and backsibling
of the tree array have been set to indicate the tree structure. If reverseTag
== TRUE, we get the tree structure for dominant tree, otherwise for
postdominant tree.
Note: For the tree array, index 0 is unused. We use apt_tree[1:N]
to represent a tree with N nodes.
APT construction consists mainly of two parts: preprocessing for 'conds'
computations and preprocessing for 'cdequiv' computations. The
algorithms are well specified in [2] and [4]. The construction is essentially
done by two traversals of the postdominant (or dominant) tree, one bottom-up
and the other top-down.
The interface is as follows:
void PreProcess(int size, int root, APT_TYPE *tree,
Route_List *routes, float alpha)
Number of nodes (size), root of the tree (root), node
array with tree structure information (tree), lists of routes
(routes), alpha, which controlling the size of the zone.
augmented information for each node: boundTag, level,
As an application of APT, we implemented the optimal algorithm for finding
dominant frontier of a list of nodes, which is the key step in conversion
to SSA form. The algorithm is described in [2].
The interface is as follows:
ele_List * phi_place(APT_TYPE *tree, int size, int maxLevel, ele_List *N)
APT data on reversed CFG (tree), number of nodes in the APT (size),
maximal level of the APT (maxLevel) and a list of nodes that contains
real assignments to some variable (N).
The list of nodes that should contain real and dummy assignments to the
Note: The APT that serves as the input for 'phi_place' is for
reversed CFG tree, that is also why we have a tag for postdom.
Weak Control Dependence
Computation (weakCD.c,
Based on APT construction and Phi-placement for SSA, we can easily implement
the algorithm that does the weak control dependence computation. A detailed
explanation and description of the algorithm can be found in [3].
The interface is as follows:
Route_List * buildWeakCD( Cfg *G, APT_TYPE * * tree, float ALPHA)
CFG (G), Alpha that controls the size of zone (ALPHA).
APT for weak control dependence (*tree), list of routes for weak
control dependence.
Note: As the APT for weak control dependency has an extra node, we also
add a dummy node to CFG to make the procedures uniform.
To do experiments on SPEC and Perfect benchmark, we implemented a program
on the top of Polaris that reads the FORTRAN file, finds all the basic
blocks and print out CFG at block level in the following format:
num_of_nodes num_of_edges index of start index_of_end
src_of_e1 dst_of_e1 ... src_of_en dst_of_en
That is also the format of input file for weak control dependence construction.
We also implemented a program that generates not only CFGs but also the
lists of blocks that contain assignment for scalar variables, which has
been used to generate test files for SSA construction.
Source Code Pointers
Source Codes for Weak Control Dependence
Read from files the description of CFGs, invoke the routine that builds
Weak Control Dependence for the CFGs.
weakCD.c, weakCD.h
Contains the major routines that build the APT for Weak Control Dependence,
including algorithms described in Figure 2 and Figure 5 of [3].
computeSSA.c, computeSSA.h
Implementation of Phi-placement algorithm specified in Figure 10 of
buildAPT.c, buildAPT.h
Implementation of APT data structure: algorithms specified in [4].
For flexibility, the procedure can produce APT structure for postdominant
tree or dominant tree (which is simply the postdominant tree for reversed
CFG) according to the specified tag.
query.c, query.h
Implementation of queries: cd(), conds() and cdequiv()
Implementation of the algorithm described in [1], which construct dominant
or postdominant tree for the given CFG.
cfg.c, cfg.h
Construct CFG data structure from the description of CFG.
set.c, set.h
Implementation of integer set, for use in pdom.c
Source Codes for Phi-Placement
for SSA:
Read from files the description of CFGs, and also lists of node where
assignments locate, compute the list of nodes for Phi-placement.
computeSSA.c, computeSSA.h
Implementation of Phi-placement algorithm specified in Figure 10 of
buildAPT.c, buildAPT.h
Implementation of APT data structure: algorithms specified in [4].
For flexibility, the procedure can produce APT structure for postdominant
tree or dominant tree (which is simply the postdominant tree for reversed
CFG) according to the specified tag.
query.c, query.h
Implementation of queries: cd(), conds() and cdequiv()
Implementation of the algorithm described in [1], which construct dominant
or postdominant tree for the given CFG.
cfg.c, cfg.h
Construct CFG data structure from the description of CFG.
set.c, set.h
Implementation of integer set, for use in pdom.c
Source Codes for CFG Construction
at Block Level:
Makefile for CFG only
-, interface.h
Read from files the fortran programs and get the inner representation
using Polaris
-, cfg.h
Find basic blocks for the Fortran program, and print out CFGs at block
Makefile for both CFG and lists of assignments
-, cfg.h
Find basic blocks for the Fortran program, and print out CFGs at block
level, besides, it also goes through the symbol table, find and print out
the lists of blocks that contain assignments to each scalar variable on
the symbol table.
Experimental Results
A Stair-like CFG is a standard model problem for Control Dependence investigations.
We compare the storage requirements for Standard Control Dependence (SCD)
and Weak Control Dependence (WCD).


Figures 1(a) and (b) show storage requirements for SCD as problem size
is varied. The storage axis measures the total number of routes stored
at all nodes of the tree. The storage required for the CDG grows quadratically
with problem size. The storage needed for APT is between the storage needed
for CDG (full caching) and the storage needed if there is no caching. As
expected, the storage requirements for APT grow linearly, and increase
as Alpha decreases. Note that the storage requirement remains constant
for Alpha>=1. The reason is that all chariot routes are of the form [b,
root). That leads to a single zone for Alpha>=1. Also observe that we have
a single-node zones (full caching) for n<(1/Alpha)-1.


Figures 2(a) and (b) show storage requirements for WCD. There are no
loops in the Stair-like CFG, so the SCD and the WCD are the same. Our experiments
show that the APT storage requirements for SCD and WCD are the same, as
Another standard model problem is a nest of repeat-until loops, where
the problem size is the number of nested loops, n. We confirm the results
about Standard Control Dependence reported in [2], and compare them with
the new results about Weak Control Dependence:


Figures 3(a) and (b) show storage requirements for the SCD as problem size
is varied. The storage required for the CDG is n(n+3) which grows quadratically
as expected. Again, the storage needed for APT grows linearly and is between
the storage needed for CDG (full caching) and the storage needed if there
is no caching.


Figures 4(a) and (b) show storage requirements for the WCD. For Alpha<1,
the actual storage requirement is smaller than that of the SCD but the
pattern of growth is the same. Note that the storage requirement remains
constant for Alpha>=1. The reason is that all chariot routes are of the
form [b, root), as for the stair-like CFG, so there is a single zone for


Figures 5(a) and (b) show the preprocessing and Phi-placement times
for 200 nested loops. (All times are measured on a SUN-4.) Figure 5(a)
shows how preprocessing time varies with Alpha. Figure 5(b) shows how Phi-placement
time varies with Alpha and the nesting depth of the assignment. The Node
Number axis denotes the position of a variable definition. Observe that
a well-chosen Alpha (e.g. about 1/4) can lead to much better results than
a no caching (big Alpha) or full caching (small Alpha) algorithm. The best
choice for Alpha depends on the nesting depth of the assignment.
'Real' programs, such as the SPEC and Perfect benchmarks, are less challenging
than the model problems. For the stair-like CFG and the nested repeat-until
loops, the ratio of storage required for full caching to the storage required
for no caching grows with the problem size. For procedures in the SPEC
and Perfect benchmarks, this number is fairly independent of problem size,
and is close to 3. The APT data structure can reduce storage requirements
by about a factor of half without sacrificing performance.
The above conclusion holds for both the SCD and the WCD. Our experiments
show that the storage requirements for the WCD are about the same as for
the SCD. The preprocessing time for the WCD (after building the APT for
SCD) is about 2.5 times greater than that for the SCD.


Figures 6(a) and (b) show the storage requirements for the FORTRAN procedures
in SPEC, for the SCD and the WCD respectively.


Figures 7(a) and (b) show the preprocessing times for the FORTRAN procedures
in SPEC, for the SCD and the WCD respectively. The preprocessing time for
the WCD includes building the Sibling Connectivity Graph and finding the
crowns, but not building the APT for the SCD.


Figures 8(a) and (b) show the storage requirements for the procedures in
Perfect, for the SCD and the WCD respectively.


Figures 9(a) and (b) show the preprocessing times for the procedures
in Perfect, for the SCD and the WCD respectively. The preprocessing time
for the WCD includes building the Sibling Connectivity Graph and finding
the crowns, but not building the APT for the SCD.
We tested the Phi-placement for SSA on the FORTRAN procedures in SPEC
and on the Perfect benchmarks. We measured the space requirements and the
time needed for preprocessing (building the APT) and the Phi-placement.
The storage requirements, as expected, decrease as Alpha increases. We
have full caching for small Alpha (less than 2^(-6)), and no caching for
big Alpha (greater than 2^6). The preprocessing time also decreases with
Alpha, corresponding to the space requirements. The time for Phi-placement
increases with Alpha. It is almost constant for small Alpha (less than
1) and for big Alpha (greater than 2^10). Any Alpha less than 1 is a good
choice as far as time is concerned. If we take into account both space
and time, the best choice for Alpha is about 1. Thus the APT-based algorithm
with Alpha=1 is as fast as the standard (full caching) algorithm, but requires
less space. It is about 2 times faster than a no-caching algorithm.


Figure 10(a) shows space requirements as Alpha varies. The space axis shows
the total number of routes cached for all FORTRAN procedures in SPEC. Figure
10(b) shows the preprocessing, Phi-placement, and total time as Alpha varies.
The time measured is the total for all FORTRAN procedures in SPEC.


Figure 11(a) shows space requirements as Alpha varies. The space axis shows
the total number of routes cached for all procedures in Perfect. Figure
11(b) shows the preprocessing, Phi-placement, and total time as Alpha varies.
The time measured is the total for all procedures in Perfect.
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A Framework for Generalized Control Dependence.
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