Invited talks
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Theory Day, Columbia University, New York, NY (September, 1983)
Workshop on Reasoning about Cooperating Agents and Concurrent
Processes, Monterey, CA (August, 1984)
Advanced NATO Institute on Logics and Models for
Verification and Specification of Concurrent Systems, La Colle-sur-Loup,
France (October, 1984)
Symposium on Complexity of Approximately Solved Problems,
New York, NY (April, 1985)
Workshop on Formal and Computational Aspects of the Modelling
of Discourse and Speaker Attitudes, Tilberg, Netherlands (April,
Fifth Annual Brazilian Computation School, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
(July, 1986)
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Berkeley, CA (May, 1986)
National Computer Conference, Las Vegas (June, 1986)
Workshop on Distributed Algorithms in Communication and Computation,
Cambridge, MA (October, 1986)
15th Annual Electronic Materials Symposium, Santa Clara, CA,
(March, 1987) (luncheon speaker)
SEAS/Share Spring Meeting, Montpellier, France (April, 1987)
(keynote speaker)
Sixth Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands (April, 1987)
Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About
Knowledge, Monterey, CA (March, 1988)
Concurrency-88, Hamburg, West Germany (Oct., 1988)
Bar Ilan Symposium on Foundations of Artificial Intelligence,
Bar Ilan, Israel (June, 1989)
IMSSS Summer Workshop on Bounded Rationality, Stanford, CA
(August, 1989)
- Fourth International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice
of Software Development (TAPSOFT),
Brighton, England (April, 1991)
Fourth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About
Knowledge, Monterey, CA (March, 1992)
Third Kurt Gödel Colloquium, Brno, Czechoslovakia (August, 1993)
- Thirteenth Conference on the Foundations of Software
Technology and Theoretical Computer Science,
Bombay, India (December, 1993)
- International Conference on Epistemic Logic and the
Theory of Games and Decisions, Marseilles, France (January, 1994)
- Third CSLI Workshop on Logic, Language, and Computation,
Stanford, CA (June, 1994)
- Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science, San Sebastian, Spain (May, 1995)
- DIMACS Workshop on Finite Model Theory, Rutgers, NJ (Nov., 1995)
- Dutch Association of Logic, Utrecht, Netherlands (March, 1996)
- Symposium on Saul Kripke's Contribution to Philosophy,
San Marino (May, 1996)
- Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-96), Portland (August, 1996)
- SITE '96 Workshop on Game Theory, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
CA (August, 1996)
- Workshop on Bounded Rationality and Default Reasoning in Epistemic
Logic and Artificial Intelligence with Aplications to Economics and Game
Theory, Florence, Italy (July, 1997)
- Sixth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI
'97), Helsinki, Finland (Augsut, 1997)
- Fifth International Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale (January, 1998)
- Agent's World, 1998, Paris (July, 1998)
- Fourteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in AI (invited tutorial), 1998, Wisconsin (July, 1998)
- PARCON 98 (Symposiun on New Directions in Parallel and Concurrent
Computing), New York (November, 1998)
- Australasian Computer Science Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
(January, 1999)
- American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Conference,
Los Angeles (January, 1999). Symposium on ``The Unusual Effectiveness
of Logic''.
- Workshop on Logic-Based AI, Washington, D.C. (June, 1999).
- 14th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Trento, Italy
(July, 1999).
- Milner Lecturer, Edinburgh University (May, 2000).
- Fourth Conference on Logic and Foundations of Decision Theory,
Torino, Italy (July, 2000).
- Games 2000, Bilbao, Spain (July, 2000).
- Decision Sciences 2000, Kyoto, Japan (December, 2000).
- Seventeenth International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI 2001)
Seattle (August 2001).
- Second Workshop on Methods for Modalities, Amsterdam (November,
- Conference on Dimensions in Epistemic Logic, Roskilde, Denmark
(May, 2002).
- XV IMGTA (15th Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications),
Urbino, Italy (July, 2003).
- The International Symposium on Modern Computing, Ames, Iowa
(October, 2003).
- Workshop on Time Preference, Copenhagen, Denmark, May, 2004.
- Games 2004 (Second World Congress of the Game Theory Society),
Marseilles, France (July 2004).
- MFCSIT 2004 (Third Irish Conference on the Mathematical
Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology), Dublin,
Ireland (July, 2004).
- CombLog '04 (Workshop on Combination of Logics: Theory and
Applications, Lisbon, Portugal (July 2004).
- First IEEE Symposium on Multi-Agent Security and Survivability,
Philadelphia (August, 2004).
- Workshop on Uncertainty in Economics, Singapore (June, 2005)
- 25th ACM Conference on Principles of Database Systems, Chicago (June
2006)---invited tutorial.
- Third International Symposium on Quantitative Evaluation of
Systems, Riverside, CA (Sept, 2006).
- Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about
Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning, Amsterdam (May 2007).
- Formal Epistemology Workshop, Pittsburgh (June 2007).
- Foundations of Distribution Computing III, Bertinoro, Italy (June
- International Congeress of Philosophy, Logic, Methodology, and
Philosophy of Science, Beijing (August 2007).
- Workshop on Information, Control, and Communication, Berlin (April, 2008)
- Cowles Conference on Choice, Contracts, and Computation, New Haven
(June 2008)
- Workshop on Savage and Bayes (``Bayes Savaged in the Extreme''),
Bergen, Norway (June 2008).
- 27th ACM Conference on Principles of Distributed Computing, Toronto (August
- Eleventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2008), Sydney,
Australia (September, 2008).
- Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance, San Francisco
(February, 2009)
- Games Spring School, Bertinoro, Italy (June, 2009)
- MICRAC Workshop on Causality, Toulouse, France (June, 2009)
- 31st Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, Linz, Austra (February
- Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory: Conference on Future
Directions, Newport Beach, California, May, 2010
- Decentralized Control in Systems of Strategic Actors, Santa Fe
Institute, Santa Fe, August, 2010.
- LPAR-17 (Seventeenth International Conference on Logic for
Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning), Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, October, 2010.
- Learning, Decision Making, and Evolutionary Theory: Can we Bridge
the Gap: an International Workshop, Kfar Blum, Israel, November, 2011.
- Tenth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2011
- European Conference on European Conferences on Symbolic and
Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU),
Belfast, UK, June 2011.
- Decisions, Games, and Logic, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2011.
- SUM 2011 (International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty
Management), Dayton, OH, September 2011.
- Twelfth Computing in the 21st Century Conference, Beijing, China,
October 2011.
- GameSec 2011 (Conference on Decision and Game Theory for
Security), College Park, Maryland, November, 2011.
- QJustice '12 (Quantitative Justice), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2012
- Workshop on Extensive Form Games in Honor of Harold Kuhn, Vienna,
June 2012.
- Games 2012, Naples, September 2012.
- Australasian Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence, December 2012.
- Workshop on Information Theory and Games Workshop, Santa Fe
Institute, Sante Fe, NM (August 2012)
- 28th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science and 26th Computer
Security Foundations Symposium (joint invited speaker), New Orleans,
June 2013.
- Workshop on model (in)adequacy, LSE, London, England, October,
- 9th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, Boston, December 2013.
- Workshop on Likelihood and Simplicity, Tel Aviv, Israel, January,
- 9th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, Boston, December 2013.
- Southampton Winter Workshop in Economic Theory, Southampton,
England, January 2014.
- Workshop on decision theory and computation, Edinburgh
University, Edinburgh, UK, April 2014.
- MAGTA 2014, Mathematical Aspects of Game Theory and Applications,
Roscoff, France, July 2014.
- 40th Anniversary of CS Department, University of Sao Paulo, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, September 2014.
- CRA/CCC Visioning Workshop on Uncertainty in Computation,
Washington, DC, October 2014.
- 7th International Conference of Agents and Artifical Intelligence,
Lisbon, January 2015.
- Cambridge Decision Theory workshop, Cambridge, UK, May 2015.
- 3rd International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning, Oxford, UK,
Septemer 2015.
- 5th International Conference on Logic, Rationality, and
Interaction, Taiwan, October, 2015.
- Games and Decision in Reliability and Risk, Research Triangle,
NC, May, 2016.
- 16th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, June, 2016,
Eindhoven, Netherlands.
- Cognitive Science Summer School, June, 2016, Montreal, Quebec.
- Decision, Games, and Logic, July, 2016, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- International Conference on Thinking, August, 2016, Providence
Rhode Island.
- Logics, Decisions, and Interactions, October, 2016, Leiden,
- Control and Responsible Innovation in the Development of Autonomous
Systems, Hastings, NY, October 2016.
- 18th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and
Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2016), Lyon, France, November 2016.
- 6th CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent
Interaction, Stanford, California, June 2017.
- 5th International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning, Liverpool,
UK, July 2017.
- Workshop on Decision Theory & the Future of Artificial
Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, July 2017.
- International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Vienna,
October 2017 (Yoram Moses' 60th birthday celebration)
- Social Responsibility of Algorithms, Paris, December 2017
- Thirty-Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-18), New Orleans, LA, February 2018
- National Geographic Festival, Rome, Italy, April 2018
- Israeli Association for AI Symposium, Rishon Le Zion, Israel, May
- Summer School on Logic, Uncertainty, and Games, Como, Italy,
July 2018
- Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Milan,
Italy, July 2018
- Marktoberdorff Summer School, August 2018
- Workshop on Societal Concerns in Algorithms and Data Analysis,
Weizmann Institute, Israel, December 2018
- NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, April 2019
- Decision, Games, and Logic, Caltech, CA, June, 2019
- SAMSI (The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences
Institute), Opening Workshop, Raleigh, August, 2019
- Workshop on Causation, Information, and Autonomy, Madison,
Wisconsin, Sept. 2019
- Keynote speaker, International Conference on Data Mining,
Beijing, November, 2019
- International Workshop on Causality, Probability, and Logic,
Guangzhou, November, 2019.
- Ethical Issue in AI, Annual Meeting of AAAS, Seattle, WA,
February, 2020 (organizer and moderator of panel)
- AI and Climate Change, Annual Meeting of AAAS, Seattle, WA,
February, 2020 (moderator of panel)
- Workshop on Games and equilibria in systems design and
analysis (Simons Institute workshop), April 2021.
- CHAI (Center for Human-Compatible AI) Beneficial AI seminar
series, June, 2021.
- Tokenomics, November, 2021 (held virtually)
- Workshop on Explainable Logic-based Knowledge Representation,
November, 2021 (Hanoi, Vietnam, but held virtually)
- Causal AI Conference, London, England, Sept. 22, 2022
- Simons Institute Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning,
Berkeley, CA, June 28, 2022
- Responsible AI Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, Feb., 3, 2023
- CREST '23 (6th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation,
Responsibility, and Explanations in Science and Technology),
Paris, France, April 23, 2023
- Philosophy and Computer Science Summer School,
Bayreuth, Germany, July 17-22, 2023
- Causality for Ethics and Society, Munich, Germany, July 24-25, 2023
- 11th Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Progic 2023),
Utrecht, Netherlands, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2023
Also gave invited lectures at numerous institutions including:
University of Amsterdam,
Bell Laboratories,
Bar Ilan University,
Ben Gurion University (Beer Sheva),
Boston University,
Brown University,
Colorado University,
Cornell University,
CUNY Brooklyn,
Eindhoven University,
Edinburgh University,
Fukuoka Institute of Technology,
Guelph University,
Hebrew University,
IBM Almaden Research Center,
Imperial College (London),
Indiana University (Bloomington),
King's College (London),
Leningrad University,
London School of Economics,
Moscow University,
Northwestern University,
Oxford University,
Peking University,
Penn State University (Economics Dept.)
Princeton University (Economics Dept.),
Queensland Unversity (Australia),
Queen's University (Kingston, Canada),
Rochester University,
San Jose State University,
Tel Aviv University,
Tokyo University,
Toulouse University,
Tsinghua University,
University of British Columbia,
University of Chicago (Economics Dept.)
University of Delaware,
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign,
University of Illinois Chicago Circle,
University of Kentucky,
University of Pennsylvania,
University of Pittsburgh,
University of Queensland (Australia),
University of Rochester,
University of Technology, Sydney,
University of Toronto,
University of Utrecht,
University of Washington,
University of Wisconsin,
UC Berkeley,
UC Irvine,
UC Los Angeles,
UC San Diego,
UC Santa Barbara,
Washington University (St. Louis),
Waterloo University,
Weizmann Institute of Science,
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Last updated, September, 2023 - Joe Halpern