F. Patents

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F. Patents

  1. Centralized synchronization of clocks, Patent Number 4,531,185, 1985 (with B. Simons and H. R. Strong),
  2. Decentralized synchronization of clocks, Patent Number 4,584,643, 1986 (with B. Simons and H. R. Strong).
  3. Fault-Tolerant Load Management, Patent Number 5,513,354, 1996 (with C. Dwork and H. R. Strong).
  4. Fault-Tolerant Load Management System and Method, Patent Number 5,727,210, 1998 (with C. Dwork and H. R. Strong).
  5. Method and system for protection of digital information, Patent number 5,978,482, 1999 (with C. Dwork and J. Lotspiech).
  6. Method and system for protection of digital information, Patent Number 6,038,316, 2000 (with C. Dwork and J. Lotspiech).
  7. Method and system for efficient and expressive advertising auctions, Patent number WO 2009/029664, 2009 (with D. J. Martin and J. Gehrke).

Joe Halpern
June 2009