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Customizing the JChannel protocol stack

This section applies only to the JChannel channel implementation, not to the Ensemble or iBus channel implementations.

When creating a JChannel, the properties of the underlying protocol stack can be specified as argument. A null argument means use the default composition of layers in the protocol stack (which may change between releases of JavaGroups).

A possible property specification may instruct JavaGroups to create an unreliable, UDP-based channel, another one may specify a loss-less, FIFO channel, and yet a third one may create a loss-less, FIFO, virtually synchronous, total order channel.

This section discusses how to create a JChannel with a customized protocol stack and the syntax of property strings will be described. It does not describe the protocols in detail; see 7.2 for details. Also, as JavaGroups is work in progress, new protocols may be added, or existing ones removed/renamed. Refer to the javadoc documentation for a complete reference.

