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Interface JavaGroups.Ensemble.Hot_Callbacks

public interface Hot_Callbacks

Method Index

 o AcceptedView(Hot_GroupContext, Object, Hot_ViewState)
Called to update you with the new view
 o Block(Hot_GroupContext, Object)
Called to let you know Ensemble is blocking
 o Exit(Hot_GroupContext, Object)
Called upon an Exit
 o Heartbeat(Hot_GroupContext, Object, int)
Called to issue you a heartbeat
 o ReceiveCast(Hot_GroupContext, Object, Hot_Endpoint, Hot_Message)
Called when Ensemble receives a Cast from your group
 o ReceiveSend(Hot_GroupContext, Object, Hot_Endpoint, Hot_Message)
Called when Ensemble receives a point-to-point message for you


 o ReceiveCast
 public abstract void ReceiveCast(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                                  Object env,
                                  Hot_Endpoint origin,
                                  Hot_Message msg)
Called when Ensemble receives a Cast from your group

 o ReceiveSend
 public abstract void ReceiveSend(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                                  Object env,
                                  Hot_Endpoint origin,
                                  Hot_Message msg)
Called when Ensemble receives a point-to-point message for you

 o AcceptedView
 public abstract void AcceptedView(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                                   Object env,
                                   Hot_ViewState viewState)
Called to update you with the new view

 o Heartbeat
 public abstract void Heartbeat(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                                Object env,
                                int rate)
Called to issue you a heartbeat

 o Block
 public abstract void Block(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                            Object env)
Called to let you know Ensemble is blocking

 o Exit
 public abstract void Exit(Hot_GroupContext gctx,
                           Object env)
Called upon an Exit

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