Sergei N. Artemov
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
at Moscow State University,
the founder and the Director of the research laboratory
Logic in Computer Science
Visiting Professor of Cornell University:
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
Department of Computer Science
318 Upson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
tel. (607) 255-4938
fax (607) 255-4428
e-mail: artemov@cs.cornell.edu
Professional interests
logic in computer science
proof theory
knowledge representation and artificial intelligence
automated deduction and verification
optimal control and hybrid systems.
For details check research
statement and
scientific accomplishments.
Full Professor in Mathematics and Computer Science, Moscow State University,
Doctor of Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Moscow University/USSR Academy of Sciences,
Diploma with Perfection in Mathematics, Moscow State University, 1975
Positions held
Moscow State University since 1984; currently Professor and Head of the
Laboratory for Logical Problems in Computer Science,
USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute: Researcher 1980,
Senior Researcher 1986, Leading Researcher 1990-present
Cornell University: Visiting Professor at Department of Computer Science,
Department of Mathematics, Center for Foundations of Intelligent Systems,
Mathematical Sciences Institute, 1995 - present
Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, Center for the Study
of Language and Information: Visiting Scholar in 1989, 1990, Visiting Professor
in 1997 (three one month visits)
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science: Visiting Professor in 1994 (three months)
Bern University, Switzerland, Institute for Computer Science: Visiting
Professor in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 (four one month visits).
CNRS, Laboratory for Discrete Mathematics, Marseille, France: Visiting
Professor in 1993 (three months)
University of Siena, Italy, Graduate School in Mathematical Logic: Visiting
Professor in 1991, 1993 (two one months visits).
CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics in Montpellier,
France: Visiting Scholar in 1992-93 (an academic year)
University of Montpellier, France: Visiting Professor in 1991 (two
USSR Academy of Sciences, Optimal Control Institute: Researcher
1978, Head of a research project 1979-1980
Ninety papers. For recent publications in English check selected
publications list.
Professional activities
Managing Editor: the journal Annals
of Pure and Applied Logic
Editor: the monograph series Studies in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics,
Science Publisher
Editor: Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2000 - present
Elected Council Member: Association
for Symbolic Logic , 1995 - 1996, 2000-present
Advisory Board Member: Advances
in Modal Logic , 1998-present
Elected Member: Association for Symbolic
Logic, the Committee on Translations, 1966-present
Member: Organizing Committee of the Annual IEEE Symposium Logic
in Computer Science, 1991 - 1997
Member: Honorary Consulting Board of the journal Studia Logica,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993-1995
Member: Organizing and Program Committee of the Biannual IEEE Symposium
Foundations of Computer Science, 1994 - present
Member: Program Committee of the Workshop on Logic, Language, Information
and Computation (WoLLIC'00),
Brazil, 2000
Head: the Logic Section of the European
Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Aix-en-Provence,
France, 1997
Principal co-organizer: the Colloquium Logic in Eastern Europe at
the International Congress of Logic, Methodology & Philosophy of Science,
Florence, Italy, 1995
Member: Program of the Annual EACSL Symposium Computer
Science Logic, Padderborn, Germany, 1995
Member: Program Committee of Logic in Computer Science Symposium,
Luminy, Marseille, France, 1994
Principal co-organizer and the Program Committee co-chair: the International
Conference Proof Theory, Provability Logic, Computation, Bern, Switzerland,
Member: Organizing Committee Member: Logic in Computer Science Symposium,
Marseille, France, 1990
Principal co-organizer: VIII USSR National Conference on Mathematical
Logic, Moscow, 1986
Member of several professional societies, many theses committees.
Plenary and Colloquium Lectures (total 66)
Clifford Lectures, New Orleans, 2002
AMS session on Proof Theory and Foundations of Mathematics, 2001
Dagsthul-Seminar on Proof Theory in Computer Science, Saarbruken, Germany,
Moscow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation, Moscow 2000
Cornell University, Math Department Colloquium, 2000
Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'00)
, Natal, Brazil, 2000
Moscow Mathematical Society, 2000
Ohio State University, Columbus, 2000
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Institute of Computer Science, 2000
Technion, Department of Computer Science, Haifa, Israel, 2000
Tel Aviv University, Department of Computer Science, 1999
Workshop Collegium Logicum: Proof Theory, Vienna, Austria, 1999
Spinoza Lecture from European
Association for Logic, Language and Information, 1999
Lecture series, European
Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'99),
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1999
Plenary address at the European Summer Meeting of Association for Symbolic
Logic (Logic Colloquium'99),
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1999
Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications, Workshop, Trento, 1999
Tutorial Workshop Realizability Semantics and Applications, Trento,
Italy, 1999
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Mathematics, 1998
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1998
Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'98),
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998
Tutorial at Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998
Tutorial at Symposium Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'98),
Uppsala, Sweden, 1998
George Boolos Symposium, M.I.T., 1997
Workshop on Logic, Language and Computation (LLC'6), CSLI,
Stanford, 1997
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Session Control and Verification
of Hybrid Systems (joint talk with A.Nerode), San Diego, 1997
Cornell University, Department of Mathematics, 1997
Stanford University, Department of Mathematics, 1997
University of California, San Diego, Department of Mathematics, 1997
Cornell University, Department of Mathematics, 1966
Moscow University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Colloquium, 1996
European Symposium Computer Science Logic (CSL'96),
Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1996
Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik,
Zurich, Switzerland, 1995
Proof Theory conference, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1995
International conference on Non-Standard Logics, Irkutsk, Russia,
INTAS Workshop Logic in Computer Science, St. Petersburg, Russia,
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1995
Princeton University, Department of Computer Science, 1995
Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und
Logik, Bern, Switzerland, 1994
International Conference Logic and Algebra dedicated to the memory
of Roberto Magari, Siena, Italy, 1994
IEEE Symposium Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS'94),
St. Petersburg, Russia, 1994
Logic conference Amsterdam-Muenster, the University of Muenster, Germany,
Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und
Logik, Zurich, Switzerland, 1993
CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics in Montpellier,
France, 1993
Graduate School in Mathematical Logic, Siena, Italy, 1993
CNRS, Laboratory for Discrete Mathematics, Marseille, France, 1993
Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik,
Bern, Switzerland, 1992
Second Russian National Conference on Applied Logic, Novosibirsk, Russia,
Symposium in Logic and Informatics, Luminy, Marseille, France, 1992
IEEE Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS'92),
Tver, Russia, 1992
CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics in Montpellier,
France, 1992
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
CIRM Colloquium in Logic and Computer Science, Marseille, France,
Conference Provability-Interpretability-Arithmetic, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 1991
University of Florence, Logic Colloquium, Italy, 1991
Kleene'90 Symposium, Varna, Bulgaria, 1990
II USSR National Conference in Applied Logic, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1990
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1989
IX USSR National Conference in Mathematical Logic, Leningrad, USSR, 1988
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1987
VIII USSR National Conference in Mathematical Logic, Moscow, USSR, 1986
Algebra i Logika Seminar, Novosibirsk, 1986
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1985
University of British Columbia, Canada, Department of Mathematics, 1983
University of Calgary, Canada, Department of Mathematics, 1983
University of Manitoba, Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, Winnipeg,
Canada, 1983
Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1980
About 20 contributed conference talks, including such conferences as
Clifford Lectures of 2002 from Tulane University, 2002
Spinoza Lecture of 1999 from the European Association for Logic, Language
and Information
Paper Operational
Modal Logic commended for its excellence by the Committee on the IGPL/FoLLI
Prize For the Best Idea of the Year, 1996
Award from the President of Russia "To Outstanding Scientist", 1994
Award for the best paper of the year from the Mathematical Institute of
Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994
Award for the best paper of the year from the Mathematical Institute of
USSR Academy of Sciences, 1986
Award for the best project of the year from the Optimal Control Institute
of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1979
USSR National Olympiad (Eastern Conference): Gold Medal in mathematics,
Silver Medal in physics, 1967
A participant of DAPRA grant Logical Programming Environment,
project 34145, 1998-present
Grant ARO DAAH04-96-1-0341 under the MURI program Integrated Approach
to Intelligent Systems, 1996 - present (within a team)
Grant from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research 96-01-01395, 1996-98
(principal investigator)
Grant "Scientific Schools" from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research,
1996 (principal investigator)
Cooperation agreement between PRL group at Cornell University and Laboratory
LPCS at Moscow University, 1995 - present (principal co-investigator)
Grant from the International Science (Soros) Foundation NFQ300, 1995-96
(principal investigator)
Cooperation agreement between IvyTeam, Switzerland, and Laboratory LPCS
at Moscow University, 1994 - present (principal co-investigator)
Grant INTAS 94-2412 from the European Community, 1994-95 (within a team)
Grant from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research 94-01-21086, 1994
(principal investigator)
Grant from the International Science (Soros) Foundation NFQ000, 1993-95
(principal investigator)
Special grants from Elsevier Science Publisher and Kluwer Academic Publishers,
1993 (principal investigator)
Cooperation agreement between logic groups at Amsterdam University and
Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991-1997 (principal co-investigator)
Ph.D. students and postdocs (total 25):
Sergei Almazov, my Ph.D. student at Moscow University since 1999
Lev Beklemishev, Ph.D. in Mathematics (1989) from the USSR Academy of Sciences
under Adian and me as co-supervisors. Now Lev has the Doctor of Sciences
degree in mathematics. He won the Moscow Mathematical Society Award (1992)
for the best paper, Humboldt Stipend (1997). Beklemishev was a senior researcher
at the Russian Academy of Sciences and a visiting fellow at the University
of Technology, Vienna, Austria. Now he is an associate professor at Utrecht
University, the Netherlands.
Vladimir Brezhnev, my Ph.D. student at Moscow University since 1999
Egor Bryukhov is my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since 1998
Eugenii Kazakov is my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since
Alexei Kopylov. He was my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University (with
Max Kanovich assisting) and won Kleene Award for the best student paper
from Logic in Computer Science conference (1995). In 1998 Kopylov became
a Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
Sergei Kravtsov, my Ph.D. student at Moscow University since 1999
Roman Kuznets, my Ph.D. student at Moscow University since 2000
Pavel Naumov, Ph.D. in Computer Science (1998) from Cornell University
under R. Constable, a postdoc at the Department of Computer Science, Cornell
University. He was my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University and moved
to Cornell within the framework of the cooperation program between my Laboratory
in Moscow and the PRL research group at Cornell University. How Pavel is
a professor of Computer Science in Penn State.
Dmitry Shapiro is my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since
Vladimir Shavrukov, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science (1994) from
the University of Amsterdam. I supervised his Ph.D. program with
D. de Jongh and A. Visser as co-advisers. Now Shavkukov is a research assistant
at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leicester,
Tanya Yavorsky-Sidon, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science (1997)
from Moscow State University, an assistant professor at the Department
of Logic and Computation, Moscow State University
Mati Pentus, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science (1994) from Moscow
State University. Mati also won the award For the Best Idea of the Year
from IGPL /FoLLI (1994), Moscow Mathematical Society Award (1998). He received
a Doctor of Science Degree in 2000 and is now an associate professor
at Moscow State University
Rostik Yavorsky, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science (1998) from
Moscow State University, a researcher at Mathematical Institute of Russian
Academy of Sciences
Alexander Zamyatin is my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since
Evgenii Zolin is my Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since 1998
(with V.A. Uspensky as co-supervisor)
Jennifer Davoren, Ph.D. in Mathematics from Cornell University in 1998.
I advised this dissertation with A. Nerode as the principal supervisor.
Sergei Goryachev, Ph.D. in Mathematics from Moscow State University in
1988. I advised this dissertation with S.I.Adian as the principal supervisor.
Evgenii Makarov is a Ph.D. student at Moscow State University since 1996.
I advise him with V.A. Uspensky as the principal supervisor.
Nikolay Pankrat'ev, Ph.D. in Mathematics from Moscow State University in
1993. I advised this dissertation with V.A. Uspensky as the principal supervisor.
Tyko Strassen, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Bern University, Switzerland,
in 1995. I advised this dissertation with Gerhard Jager as the principal
postdoctoral fellows sponsored
Valentina Barkova, postdoc at Moscow State University, 1994-95
Georgi Japaridze got Ph.D. in Computer Science (1998) under Scott Weinstein
from the University of Pennsylvania. He is now a professor at the Computing
Sciences Department of Villanova University. He was my poscdoc at Moscow
State University in 1986-1991
Victor Krivtsov was my postdoc at Moscow State University in 1996-1999
Alexander Yashin, posdoc at Moscow University in 1994-1997. He received
a Doctor of Science Degree in 2000