In September 1998, we traveled to the Netherlands, Portugal and England.

First we went with Robbert's mother to Texel, an island in the north of the Netherlands. We stayed in the town of De Koog, cycled a bit, walked on the beach, and saw seals in an ecomuseum.

Robbert's mother, Maria
On the beach in De Koog

Next, we spent a night in Amsterdam with Robbert's brother Charles and had a nice dinner with brothers Jeroen and Charles.

Jeroen, Charles, and Lesley


Then it was on to Portugal! Robbert had a conference in Sintra, a beautiful town near Lisbon.


View from our room of the main square in Sintra
Sintra National Palace
On the palace steps
Praia Grande


The last stop in our European tour was England. We stayed for two nights in London, attended the wedding of our friend Hakim in Weybridge, and then went to Windermere, in the Lake District, where Robbert had another conference to attend. Apparently, I ran out of film in London!