 * Copyright (c) 1997-1998 by Cornell University.
 * See the file "license.txt" for information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
 * giftoppm.c 
 * Steve Weiss sweiss@cs.cornell.edu
 * Usage : giftoppm inputGIF outPrefix
 * Takes a GIF (possibly animated GIF) and output a sequence of PPM files.
 * outPrefix specifies the prefix of the PPM file.  If outPrefix is foo,
 * and the GIF contains three image, then the GIF file will be decoded into
 * foo0.ppm foo1.ppm foo2.ppm.
#include <dvmbasic.h>
#include <dvmimap.h>
#include <dvmpnm.h>
#include <dvmgif.h>

int  fsize(char *);
void WritePPM(PnmHdr *, ByteImage *, ByteImage *, ByteImage *, char *);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     GifSeqHdr *seqhdr;
     GifImgHdr *imgHdr;
     PnmHdr *pnmhdr;
     ByteImage *red, *green, *blue, *indices;
     BitParser *bp;
     BitStream *bs;
     FILE *inf;
     ImageMap *rmap, *gmap, *bmap, *lrmap, *lgmap, *lbmap;
     int i, ctsize;
     int status;
     char outname[256];

      * Check the arguments.

     if (argc != 3) {
	 fprintf(stderr, "usage : %s inputGIF outPrefix\n", argv[0]);

      * Open the input file and check for errors.

#ifdef _WIN32_
     inf = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
     inf = fopen(argv[1], "r");
     if (!inf) {
	 fprintf(stderr, "cannot open input GIF %s.\n", argv[1]);

      * Initialize BitStream and BitParser 
     bp  = BitParserNew();
     bs = BitStreamNew(fsize(argv[1]));
     BitStreamFileRead(bs, inf, 0);
     BitParserWrap(bp, bs);

      * Initialize Image Maps
     rmap = ImageMapNew();
     gmap = ImageMapNew();
     bmap = ImageMapNew();

      * Create a new header and initilaize the header with data from 
      * BitStream.
     seqhdr = GifSeqHdrNew();
     GifSeqHdrParse(bp, seqhdr);

      * Check if a color table exists.  If it does, parse it from the
      * BitStream.
     if (GifSeqHdrGetCtFlag(seqhdr) == 1) {
	 ctsize = GifSeqHdrGetCtSize(seqhdr);
	 GifCtParse(bp, ctsize, rmap, gmap, bmap);

      * Initialize data for the decoding loop below.  imgHdr and pnmHdr
      * holds the GIF image header and output PPM header respectively.
      * i is the number of image (index to the output PPM).
     imgHdr = GifImgHdrNew();
     pnmhdr = PnmHdrNew();
     i = 0;

      * Now we find an image from the BitStream.  While there is an image,
      * we decode the image and write it to an output PPM.
     status = GifImgFind(bp);
     while (status == DVM_GIF_OK) {

	  * Here we parse an image, first the header then the body.
	  * Since each image can be of different width and height,
	  * we allocate the ByteImages separately for each image.
	  * (We can actually just allocate it according to the width
	  * and height from seqHdr, and clip it here. weitsang)
	  * We also allocate a ByteImage for indices to the color table.

	 int w, h;
	 GifImgHdrParse(bp, imgHdr);
	 w = GifImgHdrGetWidth(imgHdr);
	 h = GifImgHdrGetHeight(imgHdr);
	 red = ByteNew(w, h);
	 green = ByteNew(w, h);
	 blue = ByteNew(w, h);
	 indices = ByteNew(w, h);

	 if (GifImgHdrGetCtFlag(imgHdr) == 1) {
	      * There is a local color table for this image.  We 
	      * create new image maps to hold this color table, and
	      * parse this color table.  
	     lrmap = ImageMapNew();
	     lgmap = ImageMapNew();
	     lbmap = ImageMapNew();
	     ctsize = GifImgHdrGetCtSize(imgHdr);
	     GifCtParse(bp, ctsize, lrmap, lgmap, lbmap);

	      * Next we parse the body of the image.  Interlaced and
	      * non-interlaced table are parsed differently.
	     if (GifImgHdrGetInterlaced(imgHdr)) {
		 GifImgInterlacedParse(bp, seqhdr, imgHdr, indices);
	     } else {
		 GifImgNonInterlacedParse(bp, seqhdr, imgHdr, indices);

	      * We map the color table to the indices to get the RGB plane 
	      * of the image.  Finally we free the image maps.
	     ImageMapApply(lrmap, indices, red);
	     ImageMapApply(lgmap, indices, green);
	     ImageMapApply(lbmap, indices, blue);

	 } else {

	      * If there are no color table, we just parse the image and
	      * apply the color map.
	     if (GifImgHdrGetInterlaced(imgHdr)) {
		 GifImgInterlacedParse(bp, seqhdr, imgHdr, indices);
	     } else {
		 GifImgNonInterlacedParse(bp, seqhdr, imgHdr, indices);
	     ImageMapApply(rmap, indices, red);
	     ImageMapApply(gmap, indices, green);
	     ImageMapApply(bmap, indices, blue);

	  * Output current RGB image to a PPM file.

	 sprintf(outname, "%s%d.ppm", argv[2], i);
	 WritePPM (pnmhdr, red, green, blue, outname);

	  * Free the RGB ByteImages.

	  * Try to find the next GIF image to decode.  
	 status = GifImgFind(bp);

    return 0;