vector_new w h
Create a new physical VectorImage with w x h vectors and return a pointer to that VectorImage.
vector_free vectorImage
Deallocate vectorImage.
vector_clip vectorImage x y w h
Create a virtual VectorImage of size w by h, with vectorImage as the parent, and offset (x, y) from the upper-left corner of vectorImage. A pointer to the new VectorImage is returned.
vector_reclip vectorImage x y w h clipped
This function is identical to VectorClip, except that it destructively modifies the virtual VectorImage clipped (instead of creating a new virtual VectorImage). Warning : memory leaks will occurs if clipped is a physical VectorImage.
vector_copy src dest
Copy the top-left w x h area of VectorImage src into VectorImage dest, where w and h are minimum width and height of src and dest.
vector_get_x vectorImage
vector_get_y vectorImage
vector_get_width vectorImage
vector_get_height vectorImage
vector_get_virtual vectorImage
These functions (macros in the C version) access various fields in the VectorImage data structure. The first two function return the x or y offset of vectorImage within its parent, the next two return the width or height of vectorImage, and the last function returns 1 if vectorImage is virtual, 0 otherwise.
vector_info vectorImage
A convenience primitive that return a list consisting of the x, y, w, h and isVirtual flags of vectorImage.
Last updated : Tuesday, February 02, 1999, 04:51 PM