bit_new w h
Create a new physical BitImage of size w x h bits and return a pointer to that BitImage.
bit_free bitImage
Deallocate the BitImage bitImage (used for both virtual physical BitImages).
bit_clip bitImage x y w h
Create a virtual BitImage of size w x h bits, with bitImage as the parent, and offset (x, y) from bit. A pointer to the new BitImage is returned.
bit_reclip bitImage x y w h clipped
Initialize the virtual BitImage clipped as if it is created by bit_clip bitImage x y w h.
bit_copy src dest
Copy the top-left w x h area of BitImage src into BitImage dest, where w and h are minimum width and height of src and dest. Either one of both of src and dest should not be byte-aligned. BitCopy8 should be used instead if both are byte-aligned.
bit_copy_8 src dest
Copy the top-left w x h area of BitImage src into BitImage dest, where w and h are minimum width and height of src and dest. Both src and dest should be byte-aligned. BitCopy should be used instead if either one is not byte-aligned.
bit_set bitImage v
Set the BitImage bit to the all 0 if v is 0, or 1 if v is non-zero. bit must not be byte-aligned.
bit_set_8 bitImage v
Set the BitImage bit to the all 0 if v is 0, or 1 if v is non-zero. bit must be byte-aligned.
bit_make_from_key byteImage low high bitImage
Initialize the content of bitImage as follows :
if (low <= byte(x,y) <= high) { bit(x,y) = 1 } else { bit(x,y) = 0 }
bit_union src1 src2 dest
Union the top-left w x h area of BitImage src1 and BitImage src2 and store the result into the top-left w x h area of dest, where w and h are the minimum width and height among src1, src2 and dest. Either one of src1, src2 and dest must be non-byte-aligned.
bit_union_8 src1 src2 dest
Union the top-left w x h area of BitImage src1 and BitImage src2 and store the result into the top-left w x h area of dest, where w and h are the minimum width and height among src1, src2 and dest. All three src1, src2 and dest must be byte-aligned.
bit_intersect src1 src2 dest
Intersect the top-left w x h area of BitImage src1 and BitImage src2 and store the result into the top-left w x h area of dest, where w and h are the minimum width and height among src1, src2 and dest. Either one of src1, src2 and dest must be non-byte-aligned.
bit_intersect_8 src1 src2 dest
Intersect the top-left w x h area of BitImage src1 and BitImage src2 and store the result into the top-left w x h area of dest, where w and h are the minimum width and height among src1, src2 and dest. All three src1, src2 and dest must be byte-aligned.
bit_is_aligned bitImage
Returns non-zero value iff BitImage bitImage is byte-aligned.
bit_is_left_aligned bitImage
Returns non-zero value iff BitImage bitImage is left-aligned.
bit_get_size bitImage
Returns the number of bytes allocated for BitImage bitImage, counting the number of bytes in each row (including partial bytes), multiply by number of rows. Bytes allocated for the header (height, x, y etc.) is not counted.
bit_get_width bitImage
Returns the width of the BitImage bitImage.
bit_get_height bitImage
Returns the height of the BitImage bitImage.
bit_get_virtual bitImage
Returns the virtual flag of the BitImage bitImage.
bit_get_x bitImage
Returns the X of the BitImage bitImage.
bit_get_y bitImage
Returns the Y of the BitImage bitImage.
bit_info bitImage
Convenience routine that print out the tuple (x, y, w, h, isVirtual) of BitImage bitImage in a list.
Last updated : Saturday, November 14, 1998, 07:50 PM