CS 99

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Summer 2000

Prelim 1 Scores

Important: if you want to discuss any aspect of the grading of the exam you must see Michael during office hours, not during class. If you cannot make his office hours, please email him to set up an appointment. You must also read the exam answers thoroughly and do your best to understand what mistakes you made. The exception to this is arithmetic errors in grading -- these can be handled at the end of class.

The exam was out of 120 points, as are the scores below. These are not percentages and should not be interpreted as any sort of letter grade. To put your score in context with the rest of the class, see the statistics for the exam.

Number Score
0581 43
1009 57
1376 69
1381 37
1385 52
1410 73
1657 97
1704 73
1709 85
1718 71
1723 59
1830 59
1863 38
1887 56
2153 36
2410 65
2475 68
2476 77
2581 38
3157 84
3336 78
4637 89
4701 48
4706 38
4730 39
4767 48
4833 77
4838 48
4968 67
5090 40
5130 76
5404 50
5776 52
5941 75
5942 82
5956 96
5962 59
6078 95
6088 86
6232 94
6249 54
6323 99
6349 89
6602 71
6668 82
6748 74
9667 38