CS 99

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Summer 2000

Submitting Labs

  1. Find out what files you need to submit. These will always be in a list at the end of the lab handout.
  2. FTP to your Instruct directory. You should have received documentation for this when you got your Instruct password. The directory is /www/instruct1/Courses/cs099/students/<NetID>, so for example, a student with a NetID of aaa1 would use the directory /www/instruct1/Courses/cs099/students/aaa1. You cannot submit files to /usr1/<NetID>.
  3. Transfer the folder containing your lab to your directory.

If you're not comfortable with FTP, you can double-check yourself by FTPing to your directory again. The files you submitted should show up in it. You can dispense with this step when you feel comfortable with FTP.

If you want to change what you've submitted, you can resubmit any or all of your files by following this procedure again. Caution: don't resubmit after the time that the lab was due! This will make your lab late.