CS 99

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Summer 2000

Lab 7 Grading

Part Points
VoteCounter 50
  • Correctness (40 points)
    •  Correct operation (25 points)
      • 5 points -- Allows variable number of candidates
      • 2 point -- Total votes
      • 1 point -- Average votes
      • 3 points -- More than average votes
      • 4 points -- Table
      • 5 points -- Winner
      • 5 points -- Runner-up
    •  Data validation (6 points):
      • 3 points -- Number of candidates is 2<=n<=10
      • 3 points -- Votes >= 0
    • 4 points -- Percentage properly formatted
    • 5 points -- Table printed by a method with array parameter
  • Style (10 points)
Total 50

General Comments:

There should be comments in your .java file saying what each method does, including main. It is essential to include some comment saying what your overall program does.

There is room for improvement on writing style for comments. Comments are often unnecessarily wordy or awkwardly phrased. Please consult the style guide and Michael's solutions for examples of well-written comments, and please try to improve your style on this important point of good programming.

During input validation, it is essential to output helpful error messages. Be sure those error messages are not factually incorrect. For instance, do not state that you only accept positive numbers as input and then accept 
0 as input. 0 is not a positive number; your error message is misleading.