Part |
Points |
Calculator |
10 |
- Correctness (5 points)
- 4 points for correct answer
- 1 point for correct output format
- -3 if doesn't support floating point operands
- -1 for using float instead of double
- No correctness points for using any conditionals other than if
- Robustness (2 points)
- 1 point for handling division by 0 (can't throw divide by 0
exception or have result of Infinite)
- 1 point for handling invalid operators
- Style (3 points)
- 3 points for correct indentation and consistent bracing of
PlanetaryWeight |
- Not graded due to class error in submitting Lab 3 and turnaround
time for Prelim 1.
15 |
- Correctness (10 points)
- 5 points for correctly calculating points in dealer's hand
- 3 points for correctly determining blackjack/stand/hit
- 2 points for abstracting repeated tasks with methods
- Style (5 points)
- 2 points for correct indentation and consistent bracing of
- 3 points for readability of conditionals (penalties for deep nesting, poorly written conditions,
way too many else if's, etc. -- take a look at the online solution to see
a compact way of doing it)
Miscellaneous Penalties (for each program)
- -80% for not turning in .mcp file on one program, -50% thereafter
- Points off at grader's discretion if .mcp file cannot be opened and
project run immediately
- No credit if .java file is missing
Total |
25 |