CS 99

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Summer 2000

Lab 3 Grading

Part Points
CarpetBill 15
  • Correctness (10 points)
    • 5 points for division into separate sections (declarations, input, processing, output)
    • 5 points for correct output 
    • -1 point for each incorrectly calculated value
    • -2 if sales tax isn't declared as a constant
    • -2 if currency isn't printed correctly ($0.##)
  • Style (5 points)
    • 5 points for variable names and specifications
    • -1 if the sales tax is declared as a constant but not named with all caps
  • Other
    • -8 for not turning in .mcp file
    • -2 if CS99.jar is missing
    • Points off at grader's discretion if .mcp file cannot be opened and project run
    • No credit if .java file is missing
EquationSolver 15
  • Correctness (15 points)
    • 5 points for declaring and using a method that calculates determinants. This must be a method that calculates any determinant given the four values in the matrix, not a specific method for solving for x or y. -2 points if they wrote a separate method for x and y, but not a method for determinants in general. No penalty for having separate methods for x and y that call a general method.
    • 5 points for correct output
    • 5 points for dividing into input, processing, and output sections
  • Other
    • -5 for not turning in .mcp file
    • -2 if CS99.jar is missing
    • Points off at grader's discretion if .mcp file cannot be opened and project run
    • No credit if .java file is missing
Total 30

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