Part |
Points |
Sum/Product/Average program |
15 |
- Correctness
- 2 points each for calculating correct sum, product, average (6
- 1 point each for making sum an int, product an int, average a
double, and all 3 inputs ints (4 points)
- Style
- 2 points for comment at head of class (lab, name, NetID, date)
- 2 points for correct indentation and consistent bracing
- 1 point for variable specifications
- Other
- -5 for not turning in .mcp file
- No credit if .java file is missing
Distance program |
15 |
- Correctness
- 3 points for correctly calculating distance using Math methods
- 1 point for using doubles for all variables
- 1 point for correct output (has both points in the output along
with the distance)
- Calculation method
- 1 point for correct signature -- static double name(double,
double, double, double)
- 1 point for returning correctly
- 3 points for doing all calculation in this method (i.e.,
none in main)
- Style
- 2 points for comment at head of class (lab, name, NetID, date)
- 2 points for correct indentation and consistent bracing
- 1 point for variable specifications
- Other
- -5 for not turning in .mcp file
- No credit if .java file is missing
Total |
30 |