CS 99

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Summer 2000

Lab 1 Grading

Part Points
Email 5
  • -2 if subject doesn't include "CS99", or -1 if it does but isn't exactly "CS99: Lab 1 Roll Call"
  • -1 if body doesn't include name
  • No penalty for multiple messages if one is eventually correct
Newsgroup post 5
  • -2 if not posted in response to roll call post, or -1 if it is not a direct response (e.g., is a response to another student's response)
  • -1 if body doesn't include name
  • No penalty for multiple posts if one is eventually correct
Program 15
  • -1 if "Lab1.mcp" not submitted, -10 if it is but "Lab1.java" isn't
  • 3 points for correct indentation and consistent brace placement
  • 2 points for header comment for class containing description, author, NetID, and date
  • 5 points for correctness of output, -2 if the secret phrase isn't correct, -1 if blank lines aren't placed correctly
  • 5 points for correctly dividing the output into three methods - printInitials, printHello, and printSecretPhrase - with the correct signatures - static void name() - and calling these correctly from main
  • -2 if main contains any System.out's other than for blank lines
Total 25

General Comments:

People did NOT pay enough attention to the style guide. Take the subtle points it discusses very seriously--style is essential to good programming.

To understand why points were taken off, please look at your answer and the general grading criteria given; most point deductions are then self-explanatory. Regrade requests from students who have not carefully read the general grading criteria are extremely unwelcome and may be treated as such. 

For errors not immediately explained in the general grading criteria, the grading is explained in a text file on your disk called "grading.txt". The value for each error is given next to a description of the error. The overall score on the lab is given at the end of the report file.

File extensions: When asked to submit the file Lab1.mcp, do NOT submit something called "Lab1.mcp.copy". These are not the same file. File extensions --those things after the dot in the filename--
matter a lot.

Naming of methods: The convention is that the first letter is not capitalized, but each successive word begins with a 
capital letter. For instance: printBlank. No points were taken off for this point THIS TIME, but in the future we may deduct points for ANY use of poor style, including this. Good style is essential.

Use the tab key to indent things; it more easily permits you to be more consistent with your text style than hitting the space bar a lot.

A good way to turn in a bunch of related files (like you did for this lab) is to have them all in a folder and simply turn in that folder. Unless you are sure that you have a better way, please use this suggestion.