CS99: Project 1 Due in lecture week of 9/4 (before end of lecture or lab period) Goals: An area where students have trouble is creating a process for solving a problem before ever sitting in front of a computer. A lot of programming should occur before you even think of a programming language. This project will set "the mood" for creating an algorithm for solving problems. Tasks: Write in EXPLICIT detail an algorithm for tying shoelaces. Assume the following: + the entity who will follow your instructions is a robot. + this entity will do EXACTLY what you instruct. Hints: Of course, I realize that this problem is somewhat open ended. I expect you to use ingenuity and creativity to create a clear step-by-step approach. Try to use indentation or an outline to indicate tasks and subtasks. Points: 0-5 correctness 0-5 style 0-2 bonus Reminders: You must follow the submission guidelines as explained on the Programming Assignments page of the website.