=============================================================================== Date: Paper #: Title: Reviewer: Reviewer Signature (please do not sign anywhere else): =============================================================================== COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Referee Report to the Editor Julia Hirschberg Editor, Computational Linguistics AT&T Bell Laboratories Room 2D-450 600 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 acl@research.att.com 908-582-7496 (office) 908-582-7308 (FAX) [When completed, please send this review by email OR by surface mail to the editor, Julia Hirschberg, at the above email or regular mail address. An electronic verions of this review form is available by anonymous ftp from cs.columbia.edu and is located in acl-l/Styfiles/clreview.] ________________________________________________________________________ Guidelines for Reviewers Here are some suggestions on the kind of information that will be useful in making a decision on a manuscript: In addition to detailed comments on the paper, a candid assessment of the paper's strengths and weaknesses (in particular, its degree of originality) in such areas as formalism, implementation, linguistic theory and data (where appropriate) would be helpful. Is the paper sufficiently novel and interesting in at least one of these areas to warrant publication? Does it present a significant new departure from existing theory and practice, is the formalism it contains consistent, the implementation sound, the linguistic data well chosen and insightfully analysed? In addition to comments on originality, please also consider how well presented the material is. These comments can be particularly helpful if authors are asked to revise and resubmit a manuscript. Here are some possible criteria: well-structured: clearly organized, has an initial overview, a final summary, structure is logical. well-written: good prose, reasonable sentence length, grammar at native-speaker level. well-motivated: identifies important problem(s) to tackle, other analytical options are discussed/rejected. focussed: clear statement of goals, goals carried out, results evaluated in terms of goals. situated: notes relevant earlier work, relates own proposals to that work. exemplified: formalism/impl given detailed applications, applications are intuitive and well-explained. accessible: technical terminology explained on first use, self-contained, careful development of new concepts. evaluated: evaluation methodology is explained clearly, novel techniques are adequately explained and justified, results are described in sufficient detail. Summary Information for the Editor: Briefly, what is this paper about? What are its major strengths and weaknesses? What do you think its major contribution to the field of computational linguistics would be, if it were published? Summary evaluation for the Editor: This paper: 1) [ ] is acceptable more or less as it stands: [explain] 2) [ ] is basically acceptable, but needs some changes before publication. The paper is: [Delete items that do not apply (email) or check all that do.] - - too long (list sections) - - too short (explain what is missing) - - badly expressed or organized - - lacking in references to or awareness of related work - - too vague or woolly - - other (explain) 3) [ ] reports interesting work, but is not suitable for publication in its present form because it is: [Delete all that do not apply (email) or check all that do.] - - a premature progress report - - too vague and imprecise - - not sufficiently general - - not sufficiently original - - other (explain) Should the author be encouraged to revise and resubmit? [ ] yes [ ] no 4) [ ] is unsuitable for publication, and should be rejected. The work it reports is: [Delete all that do not apply (email) or check all that do.] - - not suitable for CL (a more relevant journal would be: ...) - - already published in another journal or book (publication details: ...) - - incompetent or naive - - other (explain: ...) Additional comments for the editor (only): ---------------------------------------- [Please attach additional comments for the editor here. (The form and these comments will not be sent to the author, but parts may be summarized.) Please send comments to be sent to the author in the section provided below. Please do *not* give any indication of your identity below this line.] =============================================================================== ____________o/____________o/____________o/____________o/____________o/_________ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ =============================================================================== Comments to be sent to the author: --------------------------------- [If you are sending this in email, these comments should be ascii text without formatting commands (e.g., no latex source please.] Paper #: Title: ===============================================================================