CS 7190 (Fall 2016)

Seminar in Programming Languages
Time: Wednesdays 3:35PM - 4:35PM
Location: Gates 310
Organizers: Dexter Kozen and Adrian Sampson
Czar: Matthew Milano
Previous Semesters: Archives

Retreat Schedule

The Programming Languages Retreat will take place on Saturday, October 15 at Greek Peek. We're coordinating rides via this spreadsheet.

The address of Greek Peek is 2000 State Route 392 Cortland, NY 13045

When you are driving from Ithaca, the main Greek Peak lodge will be on your left and the ski area to the right. Turn into the right parking lot (across the street from the main lodge) and park along the ski lodge area -- look for a sign marked "Acropolis" alongside the building. The Acropolis Room -- where we're going -- is on the second floor of the building.


Time Topic Presenter
09:00-10:00Computers are DoomedAdrian Sampson
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:00Effects and Programming Language StructureAndrew Hirsch
11:00-11:30CheckMark: Automatic Diagnosis of Student MisconceptionsMolly Feldman
11:30-12:00AsynC++: A new language for weakly-consistent distributed systemsMatthew Milano
12:00-1:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30Block-safe Enforcement by "meta-izing" labelsElisavet Kozyri
13:30-14:00Byte-Equivalent DecompilationEric Schulte (GrammaTech)
14:00-15:00 Game Break
15:00-15:30Safe Serializable Secure Scheduling: Transactions and the Trade-Off Between Security and ConsistencyIsaac Sheff
15:30-16:00Parametricity with Auto Generalization : Free Optimizations in CoqAbhishek Anand
16:00-16:30 Coffee/Snack Break
16:30-17:00A Framework for Extensible and Composable CompilersChinawat Isradisaikul
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