Algorithmic Game Theory

·       Meetings: MWF 1:25pm–2:15pm, Gates 114 and Bloomberg Center 398 Cornell Tech


  • Eva Tardos, Gates Hall 335, email
    office hours for the first week of classes (subject to change):


office hour: Wednesdays 4-5 in Rhodes 657 conference room 2 (second door to the left upon entering the CAM space). Or using Shawn’s Personal Meeting Room on zoom.


·       Chido Onyeze, email

office hour: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 in Rhodes 402 c. Or using  zoom.

External links

Enrollment Information

Information about how to enroll in this course, and in particular about the waitlist, can be found here. I hope that we can enroll most (maybe all) qualified ugrad students.