using PyPlot
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using Random
import Base.MathConstants.e
Let's look at using stochastic gradient descent with various methods to optimize logistic regression. First, we'll generate a training set at random from the generative model associated with logistic regression. This generative model is, for label $y \in \{-1,1\}$, features $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$ and model $w \in \mathbb{R}^d$,
$$\mathbf{P}_w(y | x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-y x^T w)}.$$This means that if we make a bunch of independent observations, the total probability is
$$p(w) = \prod_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-y_i x_i^T w)}$$and so maximizing this is equivalent to maximizing the log likelihood
$$\log p(w) = -\sum_{i=1}^N \log \left( 1 + \exp(-y_i x_i^T w) \right).$$The gradient of this is
$$\nabla \log p(w) = -\sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\exp(-y_i x_i^T w) \cdot (-y_i x_i)}{1 + \exp(-y_i x_i^T w)}$$which reduces to
$$\nabla \log p(w) = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{y_i x_i}{1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w)}.$$Anyway, we can see that this corresponds to logistic regression.
# generate the data
d = 20;
N = 10000;
wtrue = randn(d);
wtrue = d^2 * wtrue / norm(wtrue);
X = randn(N, d);
X ./= sqrt.(sum(X.^2; dims=2));
Y = (1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-X * wtrue)) .>= rand(N)) .* 2 .- 1;
sigma = 0.001;
Let's do logistic regression with regularization here. Our objective samples will be of the form
$$f_i(w) = -\log \left( 1 + \exp(-y_i x_i^T w) \right) + \frac{\sigma}{2} \| w \|^2$$and the SGD updates will look like
$$w_{t+1} = w_t + \alpha_t \left( \frac{y_i x_i}{1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w_t)} - \sigma w_t \right).$$Let's look at the constants of strong convexity and Lipschitz continuity for this problem, to get a handle on the theory/optimal parameters. If we differentiate the objective twice, we get
$$\nabla^2 f_i(w) = x_i x_i^T \frac{1}{(1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w_t)) (1 + \exp(-y_i x_i^T w_t))} + \sigma I.$$It's pretty easy to see that
$$0 < \frac{1}{(1 + \exp(u)) (1 + \exp(-u))} \le \frac{1}{4},$$and so since we initialized such that $\| x_i \|^2 = 1$, from the way we generated the examples, we can approximate
$$\sigma I \preceq \nabla^2 f_i(w) \preceq \left(\sigma + \frac{1}{4} \right) I.$$So we can set $\mu = \sigma$ and $L = \sigma + \frac{1}{4}$. What about bounding the variance of the gradient samples? (Again here I'm using the nonstandard definition of variance for vectors: $\mathbf{Var}(X) = \mathbf{E}[\| X \|^2] - \| \mathbf{E}[ X ] \|^2$.) Well,
\begin{align*} \mathbf{Var}(\nabla f_i(w)) &= \mathbf{Var}\left( \frac{y_i x_i}{1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w)} - \sigma w \right) \\ &= \mathbf{Var}\left( \frac{y_i x_i}{1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w)} \right) \\ &\le \mathbf{E}\left[ \left\| \frac{y_i x_i}{1 + \exp(y_i x_i^T w)} \right\|^2 \right] \\ &\le \mathbf{E}\left[ \left\| x_i \right\|^2 \right] \\ &\le 1 \end{align*}where this last line happens because we sampled $x_i$ uniformly from the unit ball. So we can set $M = 1$.
mu = sigma;
L = sigma + 0.25;
M = 1;
What is the optimal step size for SGD under these conditions? Well, from Lecture 2, we had $$\alpha_t = \frac{2 \mu \| w_0 - w^* \|^2}{4 M + \mu^2 \| w_0 - w^* \|^2 t}$$ or $$\alpha_t = \frac{\alpha_0}{1 + \gamma t}$$ where $$\alpha_0 = \frac{2 \mu \| w_0 - w^* \|^2}{4 M}$$ and $$\gamma = \frac{\mu^2 \| w_0 - w^* \|^2}{4 M}.$$
w0 = randn(d);
function sgd_logreg(w0, alpha0, gamma, X, Y, sigma, niters, wopt)
w = w0
(N, d) = size(X)
dist_to_optimum = zeros(niters)
for k = 1:niters
alpha = alpha0 / (1 + gamma * (k-1));
i = rand(1:N)
xi = X[i,:];
yi = Y[i];
w = (1 - alpha * sigma) * w + alpha * xi * yi / (1 .+ exp.(yi * dot(xi, w)));
dist_to_optimum[k] = norm(w - wopt);
return (w, dist_to_optimum);
# find the true minimum
function newton_logreg(w0, X, Y, sigma, niters)
N = size(X, 1);
d = size(X, 2);
w = w0;
for k = 1:niters
g = -X' * (Y ./ (1 .+ exp.(Y .* (X * w)))) + N * sigma * w;
H = X' * ((1 ./ ((1 .+ exp.(Y .* (X * w))) .* (1 .+ exp.(-Y .* (X * w))))) .* X) + N * sigma * I;
w = w - H \ g;
println("gradient norm: $(norm(g))")
return w
wopt = newton_logreg(wtrue, X, Y, sigma, 10);
alpha0 = 2 * mu * norm(w0 - wopt)^2 / (4 * M);
gamma = mu^2 * norm(w0 - wopt)^2 / (4 * M);
(w, dto) = sgd_logreg(w0, alpha0, gamma, X, Y, sigma, 50000, wopt);
ylabel("distance to optimum");
Now let's try some different values of alpha and gamma.
(w2, dto2) = sgd_logreg(w0, 2*alpha0, 4*gamma, X, Y, sigma, 50000, wopt);
(w2, dto3) = sgd_logreg(w0, 3*alpha0, 9*gamma, X, Y, sigma, 50000, wopt);
semilogy(dto; label = "optimal step size")
semilogy(dto2; label = "2x optimal")
semilogy(dto3; label = "3x optimal")
ylabel("distance to optimum");
What is the best assignment of the step size after 20000 iterations?
## do not re-run; takes too long
etas = exp.(collect(-1:0.05:3));
dists = [ mean([sgd_logreg(w0, eta*alpha0, eta^2*gamma, X, Y, sigma, 20000, wopt)[2][end] for i=1:100]) for eta in etas ];
loglog(etas, dists);
scatter(etas[21], dists[21]);
imin = argmin(dists);
scatter(etas[imin], dists[imin]; color="red");
xlabel("step size scaled by");
ylabel("distance to optimum after 20000 steps");
Takeaway: the theory gave us something good, but not the best.
What about other algorithms? Maybe if we ran SVRG, the theoretically optimal parameters would be correct.
function svrg(w0, alpha, X, Y, sigma, niters, nepochs, wopt)
w = w0
(N, d) = size(X)
dist_to_optimum = zeros(niters * nepochs)
for epi = 1:nepochs
wtilde = w;
gtilde = X' * (Y ./ (1 .+ exp.(Y .* (X * wtilde)))) / N - sigma * wtilde;
for k = 1:niters
i = rand(1:N)
xi = X[i,:];
yi = Y[i];
w = w + alpha * (xi * yi / (1 .+ exp.(yi * dot(xi, w))) - sigma * w - xi * yi / (1 .+ exp.(yi * dot(xi, wtilde))) + sigma * wtilde + gtilde);
dist_to_optimum[k + (epi-1)*niters] = norm(w - wopt);
return (w, dist_to_optimum);
Optimal step size from analysis in SVRG paper (assuming contraction factor of $e^{-1}$ at each outer epoch) is $$\alpha = \frac{1}{4 L (e+1)}$$ and optimal epoch length was $$T = \frac{8 L e (e + 1)}{\mu}.$$
alpha = 1 / (4 * L * (e+1));
T = Int64(ceil(8 * L * e * (e+1) / mu));
K = 10;
time1 = @timed (w, dto_svrg) = svrg(w0, alpha, X, Y, sigma, T, K, wopt);
ylabel("distance to optimum");
title("Convergence of SVRG with Standard Parameters");
Let's see what happens when we try a smaller step size.
time2 = @timed (w2, dto_svrg2) = svrg(w0, alpha / 5, X, Y, sigma, Int64(ceil(T)), K, wopt);
semilogy(dto_svrg; label = "optimal", color = "blue");
semilogy(dto_svrg2; label = "20% step size", color = "red");
xlabel("inner iteration")
ylabel("distance to optimum")
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg)) / length(dto_svrg) * time1[2], dto_svrg; label = "optimal", color = "blue");
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg2)) / length(dto_svrg2) * time2[2], dto_svrg2; label = "3x step size", color = "red");
xlabel("wall clock time (seconds)")
ylabel("distance to optimum")
Now, what if we also adjust the epoch length to be smaller?
time3 = @timed (w3, dto_svrg3) = svrg(w0, alpha / 2, X, Y, sigma, Int64(ceil(T / 2)), K, wopt);
semilogy(dto_svrg; label = "optimal", color = "blue");
semilogy(dto_svrg2; label = "20% step size", color = "red");
semilogy(dto_svrg3; label = "50% epoch, 50% step size", color = "green");
xlabel("inner iteration")
ylabel("distance to optimum")
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg)) / length(dto_svrg) * time1[2], dto_svrg; label = "optimal", color = "blue");
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg2)) / length(dto_svrg2) * time2[2], dto_svrg2; label = "20% step size", color = "red");
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg3)) / length(dto_svrg3) * time3[2], dto_svrg3; label = "50% epoch, 50% step size", color = "green");
xlabel("wall clock time (seconds)")
ylabel("distance to optimum")
alpha_class = 0.8 * alpha;
T_class = Int64(ceil(T / 4));
K_class = Int64(ceil(4 * K));
time_class = @timed (w_class, dto_svrg_class) = svrg(w0, alpha_class, X, Y, sigma, T_class, K_class, wopt);
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg)) / length(dto_svrg) * time1[2], dto_svrg; label = "theoretical baseline", color = "blue");
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg3)) / length(dto_svrg3) * time3[2], dto_svrg3; label = "starting point", color = "green");
semilogy(collect(1:length(dto_svrg_class)) / length(dto_svrg_class) * time_class[2], dto_svrg_class; label = "your suggestion", color = "purple");
xlabel("wall clock time (seconds)")
ylabel("distance to optimum")
alpha_class = alpha;
T_class = Int64(ceil(T / 3));
K_class = Int64(ceil(3 * K));