CS664 Final Project Notes

Since this is a 600-level course, the major requirement is that you do a short piece of original research.  The research project can be done alone or in pairs (note that this is a change from what the first day handout said). But if you do it with a partner, we will expect more effort on your part.

As part of your project, you are expected to read a technical computer vision paper that is not covered in class, and to prepare a short written presentation that gives an overview of the paper (note that originally this was going to be oral)..  The natural place to look for papers is in the proceedings of the best vision conferences (ICCV, CVPR, ECCV) or journals (PAMI, IJCV). You can find these in the libraries, and there are pointers to some of them here as well.

The written presentations will be due on Thursday, November 29.  You are expected to write two paragraphs. The first paragraph should summarize the paper in your own words.  The second paragraph should explain what you think are the paper's strengths and weaknesses.

You are expected to choose your papers, and to write a 1-paragraph project proposal, by November 13.  Note that this also is a later date than specified in the first day handout. If you do your project with a partner, the two of you should hand in a single proposal. Unlike anything else in CS664, these should be turned in as hardcopy, so that I can write comments on them.

The final project write-up will be due at the end of the final exam period.