Assignment 1

DUE 10/4/01, 23:59pm

This assignment is concerned with low-level vision.  Your task is to implement several different local and global algorithms, and to performan experimental evaluation.  We will give you images with known ground truth.  Note that you should do this assignment in groups of two.

This assignment has two parts. Part A deals with image restoration using local techniques (box filtering), and part B deals with stereo matching using global techniques (simulated annealing). The second part is larger than the first one.

The test images provided will be either in pbm format for binary images or  in pgm format for grayscale images.  Your output should follow these same standards.

What to turn in:  a) your source code for all problems b) output images. c) NT executables (they must run under NT even if you developed in another platform), d) a write-up explaining how to run your program and  a brief explanation of your results.

Instructions on how to turn in the assignments are here.

Part A:  Image restoration - box filtering.

1. Binary images

Write a program that performs image restoration on a binary image using the technique of local averaging (Box Filtering).  This program should take a binary image and window size as input and output the restored image.  You should experiment with the averaging window size and compute the accuracy of the restoration as a function of the window size. You are free to choose how you want to calculate accuracy as long as it is documented in your write-up. Make good use of dynamic programming to get O(n) running time, where n is the number of pixels.  It is up to you to decide on how to handle boundary cases.  Just make sure to include in the write up what you did.
Here is the binary image filled with random noise that you must use: noise_20%.pbm.
You should use the original image with no noise in your accuracy calculation:  Base.pbm
You should turn in your restored binary image (make sure to indicate which window size you have used). Include in your write up a graph of the restoration accuracy as a function of window size.  We are interested in hearing about the tradeoffs between window size and the types of accuracy. So explain your results. Do not forget to turn in your source code.  Your executable should take in a binary image and a box size and output the Box Filtering.
As an extra you might want to try your code on this image with 40% noise:  noise_40%.pbm.  This image is on the edge of being just garbage.

2. Grayscale images

This part is similar to the previous one except that input and output are grayscale images:
Diamond image with noise (sigma = 2): DiamondNoise.pgm
Original diamond image - diamond.pgm

As in part 1, you should turn in your source code, executables and output image.

Part B:  Stereo - simulated annealing.

This part deals with stereo matching using global technique (simulated annealing).

Energy function - Potts model

The energy function that you should use is

where f(p) is the disparity of pixel p, and C(p, f(p)) is the cost of assigning pixel p disparity f(p).  This cost should be like the truncated L2 distance, which is  min[(L(p) -R(p+d))^2,K] for some constant K.

For the Potts model V is defined as

It is reasonable to use the following modifications to the energy funcion:

Birchfield-Tomasi, which is a data term explained in lecture, where the idea is to compute the intensity differences using an intensity interval at each pixel.

Static clues.  The static clues are part of the smoothness term, and the idea is to decrease the cost of a discontinuity between pixels with very different intensities.   For example in the case of the Potts model

where u(p,q) = U(abs(I(p) - I(q))) .  Feel free to use a static clue that makes sense to you. One possible choice is


    Your annealing algorithm should look something like this:
    T = large initial value 

    f = metropolis(E, T, f)

    lower T according to some scheduling and go to 1

metropolis(E, T, f)
    disturb f  in some random way to generate f'.

    dE = E(f')-E(f)          if dE<0 set f=f'   Else  set f = f' with probability proportional to exp(-dE/T)

    go back to one unless some condition is meet in which case you quit.

There are many aspects of Annealing and Metropolis which were not specified in the lectures and are not specified here. These aspect of the implementation are up to you.  For example, you must decide what schedule you are going to use to decrease the temperature.  Also you must decide for how long will the metropolis algorithm run before quitting. You must also choose a initial temperature.   Choose these parameters as you find best.  You must include in your write-up all your choices and why you made them. You should also plot a graph of the energy as a function of time.


    There are two stereo pairs for this part:
Images from the University of Tsukuba:
The default value of regularization parameter lambda for these images is 10.

For each pair you are given a disparity map obtained with box filtering technique. You should use this map for initializing the simulated annealing algorithm.