CS 6620: Advanced
Rendering (Fall 2009)
Instructor: Kavita
Homework 3:
Monte-Carlo Rendering (Indirect Illumination)
Due Friday, April 3 2009,
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Do this
assignment in the same groups as Homework 2
We are going to add indirect illumination to our Monte Carlo Ray Tracer.
- Indirect Illumination: Extend your ray tracer to perform
hemispherical sampling to compute illumination.
- Add a method to your Camera class called setNextEventEstimation(String
- If state is "off",
both direct and indirect lighting are computed using hemispherical
- If state is "on",
direct illumination is computed using the techniques specified in
Homework 2 and indirect illumination is computed using hemispherical
- Add a method to your Camera class called setHemisphericalSamplingMethod(String method).
- If the method is "uniform",
pick rays uniformly over the surface of the hemisphere.
- If the method is "cos",
pick rays according to a cos(theta) distribution.
- If the method is "brdf", pick rays using importance sampling of
the BRDF. You will only have to deal with Lambertian and isotropic Ward
BRDFs in this assignment. To sample according to the Ward BRDF, read
the paper "Measuring and
Modeling Anisotropic Reflection" (by G Ward, check
CMS for a copy of the pdf if you can't find it on the web). You
have already implemented an isotropic Ward material
(cs6620.material.Ward) in your ray tracer. Sample the isotropic Ward
BRDF using the equations described in this file (Note that the equations given
in the paper are NOT right).
- Direct Illumination:
In homework 2 you added a Camera class called
setShadowRaySamplingMethod(String method), where method could be
"uniform", "area" or "power". Add one more type of method,
"weightedbalance". If method is "weightedbalance" then use the
weighted balance approach described in class to combine two different
sampling approaches of lights: light area sampling and BRDF sampling.
Implement this part only after you are done with
brdf sampling from above.
- Ward importance sampling: Remember that Ward has a diffuse component as
well as a specular component. In order to importance sample it, pick a uniform
random number (u) between 0 and 1. If u <= rho_d then sample diffuse, else if
rho_d < u <= rho_d + rho_s, sample specular, else absorb. Modify your
evaluation of your estimate value accordingly.
- Lambertian surfaces: For Lambertian materials, set your absorption
probability according to the average reflectivity. Clamp absorption for
surfaces with average reflectivity close to 1 to 0.1.
- All the scenes you should turn in rendered images for are posted in CMS. Three
examples have been included: the Cornell box to show indirect illumination, a
weighted balance example, and a scene showing Ward model and soft shadows.
Page maintained by Kavita Bala