CS6410 Fall 2017 |
Tue/Thur 10:10AM-11:25AM |
114 Gates Hall |
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CS6410: Advanced Systems |
[MP 0] Getting Started on FractusFractus has graciously offered to provide us with a prepaid account to support the course. This is a single account, to be shared among all the CS6410 students. Note: Fractus is behind the firewall of the CS Department. You need to use the Cisco VPN if you are outside the Cornell network. 1. Conventions for Sharing a Single Fractus AccountBecause we will all be sharing a single Fractus account, it will be possible (with some effort) for students to decrypt and read one another's Fractus machine image files, or to steal one another's static content files. This is not fundamentally different from the bad old days when CS programming projects were done on a batch computing system and printouts were delivered in sorted piles in public terminal rooms. The University Academic Integrity Policy applies to everything we put into Fractus, and you are expected to follow this policy scrupulously. Also as a consequence of sharing a single account, we will need to modify some of the procedures from the Fractus documentation so different students' projects will not interfere with one another. We have the following issues:
2. Downloading and Installing Eucalyptus Account InformationTo get the shared Eucalyptus account information, log on to CMS go to mp0 and download the file
~/.euca/fractuscontaining two files: xxxxxxxx-pk.pemValues for xxxxxxxx will come from the download. These files contain the private key and X.509 certificate used to authenticate to Eucalyptus. You will also have modified your environment to contain EC2_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=xxxxxxxxThe actual values for xxxxxxxx will come from the download. In Linux, you can 'source' the downloaded 'eucarc' file to set your environment variables. source ~/.euca/fractus/eucarc All done! In following sections we will discuss getting started with Eucalyptus in some detail. 3. General InstructionsEucalyptus's top-level documentation page (here) has links to "Getting Started" guides for each of the many services included in Eucalyptus. The Eucalyptus guides are simple and informative, but they are not designed for a shared Eucalyptus account. As you work through them, you will sometimes be instructed to use the Eucalyptus web site to sign up for a service or to create a new X.509 certificate. In other places you will be instructed to create a new keypair, to modify the rules of the default network security group, or to do some other thing that affects the global state of the Eucalyptus account. Clearly, if several students were to try this concurrently it would be a Bad Thing. So, You should ignore such instructions!The Eucalyptus account has already been set up, the AccountID, KeyID, Secret Key, X.509 certificate have already been created, and you have installed them on your machine. Your bucket names, keypair names, image names and security group names should always be constructed according to the conventions described in Section 1, and you should avoid the default network security group altogether. 4. Getting Started with EucalyptusFollow the instructions in the Euca2ools Reference Guide to install Euca2ools. If you are installing from the source code, download a newer version from here. If you are using Ubuntu, follow the instructions for Mac OS X. If the installation complains about unmatched dependencies on some package, typically it could be solved by running: sudo pip install <package_name> --upgrade It is a Good Idea to read the Reference Guide for each ami/api command as you are about to use it, to make sure you understand what it is about to do. 4.1. Running an InstanceThis section includes a step for "Generating a Keypair", which must be changed to conform to our shared account naming conventions. The Eucalyptus instructions tell you to name your keypair "gsg-keypair" (The "gsg" part presumably stands for "Getting Started Guide.") Instead, you should use a netid-specific name following our naming conventions; for example, kp-netid-xxxwhere the netid part should be replaced by your own netid, and xxx is a postfix that helps you identify the key. The Eucalyptus document instructs you to store the private key of the keypair in a local file. The logon step where you connect to your instance using an ssh client requires the name of this file, so put it someplace where you can find it, for example euca-create-keypair kp-ks2232-test > ~/.euca/fractus/id-rsa-kp-ks2232-testAgain, the name you use for this file is arbitrary, but you need some convention that will enable you to remember the name of the RSA private key file associated with each of your Eucalyptus keypair names. ssh has been noticed to refuse using public keys unless the file permissions are set apropriately (e.g. on UNIX the command chmod 600 ~/.euca/fractus/id-rsa-kp-ks2232-test should do the trick). To debug your ssh connections, use the -v or -vv flag.
The Network Security Group is another important issue that is not well covered in the Eucalyptus document. Every Eucalyptus instance runs in a named security group that you specify when you start the instance. The security group has a set of firewall rules that control network connectivity between instances in the group and instances outside it. If you start an instance without explicitly specifying a security group, the instance runs in a predefined group named "default". Clearly, it would be a Bad Idea for concurrent users of a shared account to have instances running in the (same) default security group; so we use the naming convention described above for security groups. You should create a new security group for the remainder of this exercise using a command like euca-create-group gp-netid-xxx -d "yyyyyyyy"Where as above you should replace netid by your own netid, xxx by a string to make the security group name unique among all the security group names you define, and yyyyyyy by a short description of this security group. For example, euca-create-group gp-ks2232-test -d "test group for getting started" You can check to make sure this worked by typing euca-describe-groups gp-netid-xxxor just euca-describe-groupswhich will list all groups that have been defined by anyone using the shared account. For some of the later steps in this exercise you will need to specify the group name explicitly rather than allowing it to default to "default". The command that actually starts your instance is the first of these. For example euca-run-instances emi-F528A6E4 -g gp-ks2232-test -k kp-ks2232-test -z fractusstarts an instance in the specified group gp-ks2232-test. The Eucalyptus Machine Image used in the example is called . For a complete list of available images, you can run the euca-describe-images. In general we will provide you with an image that contains all the libraries required for the mini-project assignments -- emi-F528A6E4 is one such image and you can use this image for the current mini-project. Before you actually start the instance please mark in the shared document (link provided in CMS) that you are starting to use Eucalyptus. euca-authorize gp-ks2232-test -P tcp -p 22 -s the standard TCP ports from any address ( for ssh (22) and HTTP (80) in the group gp-ks2232-test. At this point, you should be able to connect to your instance with the ssh command from the Eucalyptus documentation, using the name of the RSA private key file you saved when you created your Eucalyptus keypair, and the external network address assigned
to your running instance (to find it out use ssh -i ~/.euca/fractus/id-rsa-kp-ks2232-test root@128.84.xx.xxWell, "Congratulations!" You have started an instance. DO NOT go away without remembering to shut down your instance -- the CS6410 course account is charged for the instance for as long as it continues to run. 4.2. Cleaning UpDon't leave any Eucalyptus instances running!The command prompt> euca-describe-instances --filter key-name=kp-netid-xxxwill show you a list all running instances using your key. You can then stop them by running prompt> euca-stop-instances i-nnnnn ...Also return to the shared document and unmark your Eucalyptus usage status. Please don't forget to do these steps. 5. What to Submit?You don't have to submit anything. But after Friday August 26 2016, we will check if you have created the keypair, security group, and VM instance successfully. So make sure to leave your work correctly named with your NetID. 6. End of MP 0At this point you are done with MP 0! |
This page was originally created by Han Wang. |