The CS 6120 Course Blog

Tail Call Elimination

by Christopher Roman


The goal of this project is to implement tail call elimination in Bril. A tail call is a call to a function whose value is immediately returned. For example, return foo() is a tail call. Whenever we have a tail call in our Bril program, we do not need to create a new stack frame for it. We can simply "overwrite" the current stack frame since won't need any of the values in the frame anymore. This is crucial for programming languages that use tail recursion as a programming idiom (e.g., OCaml, Haskell, etc.). Consider the following (somewhat contrived) TypeScript program:

function loop(n: number) {
  if (n == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return loop(n-1);

This function simply loops n times, but does so in a functional way. Without tail call elimination, programs like this would stack overflow with large values of n. For languages that depend on this idiom, this is unacceptable.


The base Bril language is not rich enough to express tail call elimination, or even function calls in general. To enrich the language, we can make Bril more closely resemble something like x86 assembly. Intuitively, all Bril variables implictly live on the stack. To pass arguments in a function call, we must explicitly push them onto the stack. This is akin to pushing values on the stack in assembly. When a function returns, those arguments are implictly popped off the stack. Additionally, the return value of the function is obtained using a special keyword that is akin to getting the return value from rax according to the System V Calling Conventions.

Importantly, we need the capability to jump to other functions, rather than just labels in the current function. This way, if we have a tail call, then we can jump to the beginning of the callee instead of creating a new stack frame. This is how tail call elimination is implemented in x86 assembly.

We have to modify the grammar to support features like pushing onto the stack and defining functions, then update the interpreter. Thanks to the work done by Alexa and Greg for Project 1, these changes were much easier for me to make.


Modifying the Grammar

The first step is to modify the grammar to support function declarations with arguments and return types, as well as support the various new value/effect operations. Functions look as follows:

int foo(x: int, b: bool) {
  print x;
  print b;

Functions must specify a return type, a name, and a potentially empty list of typed arguments.

Here are the new effect operations and their semantics:

Here are the new value operations and their semantics:

call foo
r: int = retval;

Here, if foo returned 0, then r would have the value 0.

Extending the Interpreter

The interpreter needed to be extended to implement the above semantics. To model a stack frame, I explicitly keep track of the program counter (i.e., which instruction is being interpreted), the name of the current function, and an environment. I made this explicit because it made jumping to other functions easier to implement. The interpreter simply tries to evaluate the frame at the top of the stack until the stack is empty.

Arguments that are pushed stay on the current stack frame. Once a call is made, we create a new stack frame. Note that the names of the pushed arguments don't necessarily match those declared by the function, so we need to map the function's arguments to the values of the pushed arguments.

To return a value, a special variable name is set in the environment in the previous stack frame so it can be retrieved by the caller using retval.

Extending the TypeScript Frontend

For the majority of this, I referred to Alexa and Greg's implementation. There were some differences however because I have separate instructions for passing arguments to a function. So, whenever a function call was found in the AST, the arguments needed to be converted to Bril instructions first, then those would be used in a push. Additionally, a retval would need to be created afterwards if the result of the function call would be used.

Identifying and Eliminating Tail Calls

The simple definition of a tail call would be an immediate return of a call to a function. The translation from the TypeScript frontend of something like

return foo(n)

to Bril would be

push n
call foo
v: int = retval;
ret v

Thus we just need to look for calls that are immediately and optionally followed by retval, and immediately followed by a ret.

This doesn't take into account more complex cases where there isn't an explicit return of a function call, but the value returned comes from a call to the same function from different branches. For example:

function foo(n: number): number {
  if (b) {
    result = foo(n-1);
  } else {
    result = foo(n-2);
  return result;

To do this, we first do a global copy propagation. The dataflow analysis for copy propagation that I used can be found here. Then, for a value v that is returned, we search backwards through the CFG until we find a retval that corresponds to v, and make sure that it has not been modified along any of these backwards paths, and the reval comes from a call to the same function. In the above example, the corresponding Bril code looks something as follows:

  call foo;
  v17: int = retval ;
  result: int = id v17;
  jmp endif.6;
  call foo;
  v21: int = retval ;
  result: int = id v21;
  v22: int = id result;
  ret v22;

After copy propagation, it looks like this:

  call foo;
  result: int = retval;
  jmp endif.6;
  call foo;
  result: int = retval;
  ret result;

Then we can analyze the CFG backwards to see that indeed we can replace the calls with jmp instructions.

  jmp foo;
  jmp endif.6;
  jmp foo;
  ret result;

Note that the extra instructions can simply be removed by a DCE pass, so we don't worry about that.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get this to work properly because my copy propagation pass had bugs.


To evaluate that the tail call elimination is working and actually gives us an improvement, we benchmark some recursive functions that use tail recursion, and show the difference in execution time and memory usage between an optimized and unoptimized Bril program.

The table entries show how much change was observed, as a percentage, by doing tail call elimination (TCE). For example, an entry of -10% means the optimized program used 10% less memory/time than the unoptimized program. An X means that the output of the program was too big to handle. n is the argument passed to the recursive function. loop is a Bril program that simply loops n times using recursion. factorial is a tail recursive implementation of factorials. mutual_rec is a program that checks whether a program is even or odd in a mutually recursive way. The code for these can be found here.

Percentage Change in Memory Usage Using TCE

n = 1n = 100n = 10000n = 100000

Percentage Change in Execution Time Using TCE

n = 1n = 100n = 10000n = 100000

To get the execution time and peak memory usage, I use /usr/bin/time -l (which prints the contents of rusage). To make sure the measurements are meaningful, I chose a maximum n value so that the tests took a few seconds. Here we can clearly see that with large values of n, the programs with TCE use considerably less memory. However, it is unclear whether there is a benefit to the execution time of the program since the values vary quite a bit.

Hardest Parts to Get Right

Finding the right level of abstraction for the IR was difficult. I decided to make it closely resemble x86 because that is familiar and is what matched the theory the most. The other difficult part was eliminating tail calls that weren't as simple as just return foo(). This required other optimizations and careful consideration to make sure that indeed the function call could actually be optimized to just a jump.