POSH: A TLS Compiler that Exploits Program Structure
The development of multicore processor architectures in the 2000s led to significant advancements in the performance of parallel computing. As a software developer, if you could split your program or your data into discrete chunks, you could send different pieces off to different cores and have all of the processing done in parallel.
Naturally, software developers, compiler writers, and hardware architects all began to wonder: "Can we somehow use these extra cores to speed up sequential, non-parallelizable workloads?" One proposed technique to answer this question is Thread-Level Speculation (TLS). TLS allows software to run portions of a sequential program in parallel while retaining the original sequential semantics. The key idea is that special hardware support will detect when any of these parallel tasks misbehave and either roll back the effects of such "speculative tasks" or hide the "bad" behavior from other tasks somehow.
In general, choosing where to insert these tasks so that they are likely to succeed and actually provide speedup over serial execution is a difficult problem. POSH is a compiler that automatically identifies some of these regions for you, by using simple heuristics and profiling to eliminate candidate tasks that are unlikely to be worth the cost of inserting them.
TLS and Hardware Transactional Memory
Before we dive into POSH itself, we want to give a more detailed background on both how TLS works and the context in which it was envisioned. As we mentioned above, TLS relies on special hardware support for detecting data dependencies between threads running on different processor cores. Broadly, these kinds of features are known as Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM). At the end of this article we've included a brief aside on HTM and its presence in modern processors for those who are interested.
POSH assumes that hardware has support for the following features:
- Inputs to tasks are passed via memory, not registers.
- Hardware automatically detects conflicting memory reads/writes between the main thread and speculative tasks and then automatically kills or restarts tasks.
- The ISA extension has the
primitives for starting and ending task execution.
Most papers exploiting HTM rely on a very similar set of assumptions, and indeed, real HTM extensions have guarantees not unlike those listed here. The primary difference between these assumptions and reality are empirical limitations on code and working set size for speculative tasks.
Sources of Performance Improvements of TLS
The goal for TLS (remember, HTM is the set of hardware features, while TLS is a software-level technique that utilizes those features) is to speculatively parallelize code by predicting which regions do not have real data dependencies. Existing compiler optimizations already attempt to identify such dependencies (e.g., instruction scheduling) in order to improve performance. However, those optimizations must be conservative in order to preserve program semantics. Since TLS compilers can rely on runtime support from the hardware to preserve correctness, they can aggressively overestimate data independence to maximize potential parallelism.
... x = f(a); y = g(b); z = h(x,y); ...
For example, in the above code snippet, the calls to functions f
and g
can probably be parallelized so that the operands to h
are available as
soon as possible. However, f
and g
may be side-effectful functions that
modify shared memory; TLS using HTM is free to parallelize those two calls
without fear of race conditions on that memory. A normal compiler would have
to prove disjointness of their memory accesses to parallelize them automatically.
The authors point out another, more subtle, benefit to TLS: data prefetching. Even speculative tasks which violate data dependencies are likely to access data that will be useful to re-executions of that task. The authors assume (fairly) that the hardware primitives for squashing tasks will not roll back cache state; this implies that squashed tasks can still prefetch useful data into the cache. Re-executions of the failed task, or even future tasks may benefit from access to this cached data and see reduced memory access latency.

This diagram from the POSH paper shows how "load times" in speculative tasks are not totally wasted during task failure. Executing a speculative load from memory improves the performance of loads in future tasks.
POSH Phases
The POSH compiler optimization is broken into three phases;
- Task Selection: Chose speculative tasks based on program structure.
- Spawn Hoisting: Place task initiation (spawn instructions) as early as possible.
- Task Refinement: Use dynamic profiling to remove tasks that are unlikely to be beneficial.
The first step is chopping up the program into tasks that will benefit from being run concurrently. This is similar to the balanced min-cut problem, where you want to find a set of weighted paths through a graph such that they are approximately equal and minimal. In TLS, the nodes are instructions and the edge weigths take into account execution time and other runtime overheads. As you might expect, doing this optimally is NP-hard, so POSH has to resort to heuristics. Its primary heuristic leverages the existing high level program structure; each subroutine call and loop iteration is considered a candidate task. The authors justify this with some intuition:
All these programmer-generated structures are taken as hints to delineate code sections with a relatively independent and sizable amount of work.
In reality, not all subroutines or loop iterations are independent and there are other sections of code which may be parallelizable. The former problem is addressed by Task Refinement but POSH ignores the latter source of imprecision.
During task selection, POSH inserts the special spawn
and commit
instructions, as well as task begin labels to divvy up the program
according to the above heuristic. A subtle optimization included in
this phase is the introduction of software value prediction.
Although POSH doesn't focus on their implementation of software value
prediction, we include another aside on how SVP works.
In the Spawn Hoisting phase, POSH tries to move spawn instructions as early as possible without violating dependencies or changing program behavior. Spawning tasks early increases opportunities for parallel execution and prefetching, but there are limits to how far we can move them. For example, it is not sensible to spawn a thread before the assignment of its input variables. Neither is it clearly beneficial to move the spawn instruction outside a conditional statement since that could result in unnecessary code execution.
The final phase uses profiling and simple syntactic criteria, such as task size and number of inputs, to remove tasks that probably don't improve performance. Instead, these pieces of the program are executed straight line. The profiling methodology is to use test inputs and simulate the parallel execution of the program with a sequential interpreter, while keeping track of how many dynamic instructions each task executes and how often it would have to be squashed by the hardware.
The overall evaluation methodology is to optimize some of the SPECint benchmarks using some configuration of the compiler, and look at statistics (e.g., execution time or memory behavior). For the most part, their tests are concerned with the reduction in total execution time compared to the sequential execution. All experiments are run on a simulator as hardware with support for TLS was not commercially available at the time.
While the authors do extensively break down their evaluation, we'll simply summarize some of the tests they run and our takeaways from their results.
First they test POSH's various optimizations:
- Impact of choosing subroutine vs. loops as tasks
- Effect of using software value prediction
- Importance of using the profiler to eliminate tasks

Value prediction makes a big difference in some cases, but less in others; but the same theory as before should apply here. Value prediction allows for more chances to parallelize, so it should improve performance as long as the profiler identifies when it might be a bad idea.
The following graphs shows the importance of using the profiler: without it, some programs are slowed down due to the overhead of managing tasks. The profiler significantly improves performance, and realizes the "do no harm" principle of compiler optimization.

As we mentioned earlier, most of the speedup comes from executing code in parallel, but even when correct parallel execution is not possible and tasks get squashed, memory accesses they make have the effect of prefetching data that the re-executions are likely to use. To evaluate the impact of prefetching, they modify the simulator so that data brought into the processor cache by squashed tasks are marked as invalid. Comparing the speedup gained with prefetching and without in the graph before, they claim 26% of the speedup is due to prefetching.

Evaluation Takeaways
The paper has a solid evaluation which asks (and answers) all the questions we might want asked. Our primary gripe with their evaluation is that it is based on "eyeball statistics". No formal null hypothesis testing is done; instead, the authors point at a graph and say "the bars are usually higher in this case". Additionally, it's unclear if the SPECint benchmarks are really a representative use case for real code. In theory, these are meant to test the sequential integer performance of CPUs and may have few opportunities for parallelism. On the other hand, the opposite may be true or they may represent a good spread of optimizability.
Given the breakdowns that the authors provide, it seems likely that the most significant contribution of POSH is its dynamic profiler, which allows their other optimizations to be aggressively optimistic. While hardware support does prevent TLS from impacting correctness, it doesn't prevent TLS from being a bad idea. The POSH profiler fills this gap instead and allows techniques like software value prediction and the structured program heuristic to be utilized without hurting performance.
If HTM were actually widely usable by general purpose programs, then POSH would likely be an effective optimization for automatically speeding up sequential code!
Hardware Transactional Memory
Before transactional memory, hardware support for parallel computing was limited to synchronization primitives such as atomic compare-and-swap or store-conditional. Transactional Memory was meant to accelerate the common use case for such primitives: atomic software transactions, consisting of a potentially unbounded number of instructions.
In this ideal world, programmers could write systems code like:
withdraw(bank_acct *acct, int amt) { atomic { if (acct->balance >= amt) { acct->balance -= amt; return true; } else { return false; } } }
where atomic
was a hardware-supported feature for ensuring the atomicity of the contained code.
If any other thread modified acct->balance
during the execution of this transaction,
it would abort and have to be retried or cancelled.
Usually, HTM is implemented by piggy-backing off of the cache coherence protocol, which normally ensures that memory writes to the same address are eventually propagated between cores. Unfortunately, cache coherency can be notoriously complex, especially in the face of ambiguously defined and/or weak memory models. One might reasonably expect adding new synchronization features to introduce bugs and/or interact unexpectedly with existing weak memory guarantees. Furthermore, relying on cache coherency drastically limits size of datasets read or written by hardware transactions; in most systems the write set must fit entirely inside the L1 cache.
HTM Today
In reality, hardware transactional memory has primarily been a failure and does not see wide use today. While Intel theoretically supports these kinds of instructions with TSX, numerous bug reports have caused them to disable it on a number of processors. Furthermore, the limitations of TSX and other such extensions often make using them impractical, unstable and/or insecure.
However, some low-level code does utilize HTM to implement efficient libraries for high performance computing. In these instances, developers are targeting very specific architectures with very detailed models of the processor and memory systems. Since developers in this domain are already concerned with the finicky details that often make HTM transactions impractical, HTM does offer utility as a more flexible and performant synchronization primitive.
Software Value Prediction
In TLS, there are some code regions which could be parallelized,
but they involve potentially predictable data dependencies.
For example, in a while
loop, the iteration condition may not
be known before executing the entire body of the loop and thus parallelism
becomes very limited.
Value prediction transforms this sequential execution into a potentially parallel one by creating data dependencies between the original variable and a prediction variable. Value prediction produces code with the following invariant:
Let x be some variable in the program, pred(x) be its predicted value and real(x) be its real value. A TLS task that reads pred(x) will be squashed whenever real(x) != pred(x).
The following example from Li et al.
shows how the newly spawned task will be squashed whenever pred_x
is not equal to the correct value.
Specifically, this code ensures that the original thread will update pred_x
to be correct before it commits, forcing
a read-write dependency on that variable.
pred_x = x; //initialize prediction Loop: x = pred_x; //use prediction pred_x = f(x); //generate prediction spawn Loop; … = foo(x); x = …; if (x != pred_x) //verify prediction pred_x = x; //recover misprediction commit(); if (cont) goto Loop;
The POSH authors don't go into any real detail on their prediction mechanism beyond what we've described here. While they do evalute its effectiveness, we have no idea what kind of algorithm they're using to choose prediction values.
Another downside of prediction is that it involves more runtime overhead in generating predictions. Not only do the instructions used to produce predictions slow down execution, but the prediction code likely accesses a shared data structure that could increase the number of failed tasks due to races on that. It would be a great idea for the POSH profiler to also take into account this execution information (note it does account for the potential task squashing, just not the instruction overhead).